Acronym | Definition |
PACE | Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly |
PACE | Property Assessed Clean Energy (energy financing) |
PACE | Process and Control Engineering (Australia) |
PACE | Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe |
PACE | Professional and Continuing Education (various schools) |
PACE | Program for Adult College Education |
PACE | Pediatric and Adolescent Care (Minnesota) |
PACE | Police And Criminal Evidence Act (UK; also seen as PCEA) |
PACE | Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (journal) |
PACE | Plant and Capital Equipment |
PACE | Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment (Los Angeles, California) |
PACE | Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union |
PACE | Profession of Arms Center of Excellence (US Air Force) |
PACE | People with Arthritis Can Exercise |
PACE | Pan Arab Consulting Engineers (Kuwait) |
PACE | Planetary Association for Clean Energy |
PACE | Programme for Advanced Continuing Education |
PACE | Processing and Control Element |
PACE | Priority Access Control Enabled |
PACE | Programs of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly |
PACE | Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly (Pennsylvania) |
PACE | Protecting America's Competitive Edge (US government proposed legislation) |
PACE | Physician Assessment and Clinical Education |
PACE | Programme d'Action Communautaire pour Les Enfants |
PACE | Product and Cycle-Time Excellence (Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath) |
PACE | Program for Afloat College Education |
PACE | Priority Access Control Enabled (3Com) |
PACE | Processing and Cognitive Enhancement |
PACE | Pacific Asia China Energy (Canada) |
PACE | People's Academy for Community Engagement (Seattle, WA) |
PACE | Professional Activities Committees for Engineers (IEEE) |
PACE | Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment |
PACE | Participatory Action for Community Enhancement (Cooperative Housing Foundation International) |
PACE | Professional Academy of Custody Evaluators |
PACE | Practical Academic Cultural Education |
PACE | Personal Assistance in Community Existence |
PACE | Program in America and California Explorations (John F. Kennedy High School; California) |
PACE | Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion (exercise technique by Al Sears, MD) |
PACE | Progressive Alliance for Community Empowerment (New Mexico) |
PACE | Partnership for Academic and Community Excellence |
PACE | Promoting Access to Children's Entitlements Pace (South Africa) |
PACE | Philippine Association of Communication Educators |
PACE | Positive Attitudes Change Everything |
PACE | Professional Achievement in Continuing Education (insurance) |
PACE | Plasma Assisted Chemical Etching |
PACE | People Against Chimpanzee Experiments |
PACE | Property Advisors to the Civil Estate (UK government) |
PACE | Partners for the Advancement of CAD/CAM/CAE Education |
PACE | Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education |
PACE | Personalized Asset Consulting and Evaluation (servicemark of UBS) |
PACE | Pin and Area Constraint Editor |
PACE | Professional Association of Colorado Educators |
PACE | Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. (California) |
PACE | Peoria Area Community Events |
PACE | Pacific Aging Council Endeavors (Washington) |
PACE | Pennsylvania Alliance for Character Education |
PACE | Promoting Aphasics' Communicative Effectiveness (aphasia treatment approach) |
PACE | Procurement Automated Contract Evaluation |
PACE | Program for Arrangement of Cables and Equipment (Bellcore) |
PACE | Prototype Aviation Collaboration Effort (US NOAA) |
PACE | Playful, Accepting, Curious, Empathetic (play therapy) |
PACE | Pre-College Awards for Excellence in Mathematics, Science, Engineering and Technology |
PACE | Professional and Career English |
PACE | People Accessing Careers and Education |
PACE | Plan A College Education (nursing) |
PACE | Pilot-Assisted Channel Estimation |
PACE | Physics and Chemistry Experiment (NASA) |
PACE | People Against Child Exploitation |
PACE | Professional Association of Contract Employees |
PACE | Public Affairs Center of Excellence (US Air Force) |
PACE | Primary Alternate Contingency Emergency (Plan) |
PACE | Production and Capacity Expansion |
PACE | Parents for Academic Challenge and Enrichment (Ohio) |
PACE | Professional & Administrative Career Examination |
PACE | Perceived Annoyance Caused By Echo (Telecommunications testing) |
PACE | Programming for Academic and Creative Excellence (Ontario, Canada) |
PACE | Professional Accounting Career Exploration (Program) |
PACE | Personal Finance and Career Exploration (high school class) |
PACE | Point-Ahead Compensation Experiment |
PACE | Program for Academic and Creative Extension (Aurora, Ontario, Canada) |
PACE | Processor for Aerodynamic Computations and Evaluation (India) |
PACE | Pocket-Sized Automatic Crypto Equipment |
PACE | Plano Academic Creative Education |
PACE | Packet Circuit Engine (Radsys) |
PACE | Program Acquisition Cost Estimate |
PACE | Precision Architecture Computing Environments |
PACE | Plant Acquisition and Construction Equipment |
PACE | Performance Advanced CMOS Engineering |
PACE | Protocol-Aided Channel Equalization |
PACE | Prevent Arrhythmia Cardiac Events (support group; South Africa) |
PACE | Professional Accreditation & Certifying Education (figure skating coaching) |
PACE | Portable Acoustic Collection Equipment |
PACE | Particles, Atmosphere and Chemistry Experiment (NASA) |
PACE | Plan de Acción CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing) para España (Spain) |
PACE | Progression for Adaptive and Cognitive Education |
PACE | Patent Application Capture and Entry (USPTO) |
PACE | Power Assisted Glove End Effector |
PACE | Professional Applications Creation Environment |
PACE | Program for Academically Creative Enrichment (Washington) |
PACE | Performance Appraisal and Competency Evaluation (employee evaluation software) |
PACE | Processing & Classification of Enlistees |
PACE | Performance & Cost Evaluation Program |
PACE | Preventing Accidents Concerns Everyone |
PACE | Progressive Alliance of Capitol Employees (Philippines) |
PACE | Protection Against a Changing Economy |
PACE | Profits After Controllable Expenses |
PACE | Public Affairs Community Exchange (US Navy) |