PACEProgram of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly
PACEProperty Assessed Clean Energy (energy financing)
PACEProcess and Control Engineering (Australia)
PACEParliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
PACEProfessional and Continuing Education (various schools)
PACEProgram for Adult College Education
PACEPediatric and Adolescent Care (Minnesota)
PACEPolice And Criminal Evidence Act (UK; also seen as PCEA)
PACEPacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (journal)
PACEPlant and Capital Equipment
PACEPacific Asian Consortium in Employment (Los Angeles, California)
PACEPaper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union
PACEProfession of Arms Center of Excellence (US Air Force)
PACEPeople with Arthritis Can Exercise
PACEPan Arab Consulting Engineers (Kuwait)
PACEPlanetary Association for Clean Energy
PACEProgramme for Advanced Continuing Education
PACEProcessing and Control Element
PACEPriority Access Control Enabled
PACEPrograms of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
PACEPharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly (Pennsylvania)
PACEProtecting America's Competitive Edge (US government proposed legislation)
PACEPhysician Assessment and Clinical Education
PACEProgramme d'Action Communautaire pour Les Enfants
PACEProduct and Cycle-Time Excellence (Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath)
PACEProgram for Afloat College Education
PACEPriority Access Control Enabled (3Com)
PACEProcessing and Cognitive Enhancement
PACEPacific Asia China Energy (Canada)
PACEPeople's Academy for Community Engagement (Seattle, WA)
PACEProfessional Activities Committees for Engineers (IEEE)
PACEPerpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
PACEParticipatory Action for Community Enhancement (Cooperative Housing Foundation International)
PACEProfessional Academy of Custody Evaluators
PACEPractical Academic Cultural Education
PACEPersonal Assistance in Community Existence
PACEProgram in America and California Explorations (John F. Kennedy High School; California)
PACEProgressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion (exercise technique by Al Sears, MD)
PACEProgressive Alliance for Community Empowerment (New Mexico)
PACEPartnership for Academic and Community Excellence
PACEPromoting Access to Children's Entitlements Pace (South Africa)
PACEPhilippine Association of Communication Educators
PACEPositive Attitudes Change Everything
PACEProfessional Achievement in Continuing Education (insurance)
PACEPlasma Assisted Chemical Etching
PACEPeople Against Chimpanzee Experiments
PACEProperty Advisors to the Civil Estate (UK government)
PACEPartners for the Advancement of CAD/CAM/CAE Education
PACEPacific Alliance for Catholic Education
PACEPersonalized Asset Consulting and Evaluation (servicemark of UBS)
PACEPin and Area Constraint Editor
PACEProfessional Association of Colorado Educators
PACEPacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. (California)
PACEPeoria Area Community Events
PACEPacific Aging Council Endeavors (Washington)
PACEPennsylvania Alliance for Character Education
PACEPromoting Aphasics' Communicative Effectiveness (aphasia treatment approach)
PACEProcurement Automated Contract Evaluation
PACEProgram for Arrangement of Cables and Equipment (Bellcore)
PACEPrototype Aviation Collaboration Effort (US NOAA)
PACEPlayful, Accepting, Curious, Empathetic (play therapy)
PACEPre-College Awards for Excellence in Mathematics, Science, Engineering and Technology
PACEProfessional and Career English
PACEPeople Accessing Careers and Education
PACEPlan A College Education (nursing)
PACEPilot-Assisted Channel Estimation
PACEPhysics and Chemistry Experiment (NASA)
PACEPeople Against Child Exploitation
PACEProfessional Association of Contract Employees
PACEPublic Affairs Center of Excellence (US Air Force)
PACEPrimary Alternate Contingency Emergency (Plan)
PACEProduction and Capacity Expansion
PACEParents for Academic Challenge and Enrichment (Ohio)
PACEProfessional & Administrative Career Examination
PACEPerceived Annoyance Caused By Echo (Telecommunications testing)
PACEProgramming for Academic and Creative Excellence (Ontario, Canada)
PACEProfessional Accounting Career Exploration (Program)
PACEPersonal Finance and Career Exploration (high school class)
PACEPoint-Ahead Compensation Experiment
PACEProgram for Academic and Creative Extension (Aurora, Ontario, Canada)
PACEProcessor for Aerodynamic Computations and Evaluation (India)
PACEPocket-Sized Automatic Crypto Equipment
PACEPlano Academic Creative Education
PACEPacket Circuit Engine (Radsys)
PACEProgram Acquisition Cost Estimate
PACEPrecision Architecture Computing Environments
PACEPlant Acquisition and Construction Equipment
PACEPerformance Advanced CMOS Engineering
PACEProtocol-Aided Channel Equalization
PACEPrevent Arrhythmia Cardiac Events (support group; South Africa)
PACEProfessional Accreditation & Certifying Education (figure skating coaching)
PACEPortable Acoustic Collection Equipment
PACEParticles, Atmosphere and Chemistry Experiment (NASA)
PACEPlan de Acción CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing) para España (Spain)
PACEProgression for Adaptive and Cognitive Education
PACEPatent Application Capture and Entry (USPTO)
PACEPower Assisted Glove End Effector
PACEProfessional Applications Creation Environment
PACEProgram for Academically Creative Enrichment (Washington)
PACEPerformance Appraisal and Competency Evaluation (employee evaluation software)
PACEProcessing & Classification of Enlistees
PACEPerformance & Cost Evaluation Program
PACEPreventing Accidents Concerns Everyone
PACEProgressive Alliance of Capitol Employees (Philippines)
PACEProtection Against a Changing Economy
PACEProfits After Controllable Expenses
PACEPublic Affairs Community Exchange (US Navy)