PEPCPlanning, Environment and Public Comment (US NPS)
PEPCPhosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase
PEPCPakistan Environmental Protection Council
PEPCProject Exports Promotion Council (India)
PEPCPretty Efficient Parallel Coulomb-Solver (astrophysics)
PEPCParker Evangelical Presbyterian Church (Colorado)
PEPCPostsecondary Education Planning Commission
PEPCPan European Portals Conference
PEPCPlasma Electrode Pockels Cell
PEPCPhysical Education Professional Community
PEPCPurdue Electric Power Center
PEPCPennsylvania Education Policy Center
PEPCPromotion of Effective Perinatal Care (WHO)
PEPCProtein Expression, Purification and Crystallisation (Laboratory)
PEPCPetroleum Exploration and Production Center
PEPCProcurement, Engineering, procurement and Construction
PEPCPregnancy and Early Parent Counseling
PEPCPublic Education and Participation Committee
PEPCPublishers Electronic Printings Concepts (Netherlands)