Acronym | Definition |
PH | Telephone |
PH | Philippines (Internet top level domain) |
PH | Public House |
PH | Potential of Hydrogen - negative 10-base log (power) of the positive hydrogen ion concentration; measure of acidity |
PH | Public Health |
PH | Human Performance |
PH | Phase |
PH | Physical (layer, ISDN) |
PH | Population Health |
PH | Penthouse |
PH | Please Help |
PH | Pantyhose |
PH | Photograph |
PH | Paris Hilton |
PH | Pearl Harbor |
PH | Perth (postcode, United Kingdom) |
PH | Personal Hygiene |
PH | Pulmonary Hypertension |
PH | Public Holiday |
PH | Perpetual Help (Catholic schools) |
PH | Philadelphia Chromosome (molecular biology) |
PH | Purple Heart |
PH | People Here (chat) |
PH | Parliament House (various locations) |
PH | Phosphates |
PH | Pizza Hut |
PH | Pennsylvania Hospital |
PH | Phenyl |
PH | Photocopy |
PH | Phot (unit of illumination) |
PH | Port Harcourt |
PH | Pranic Healing |
PH | Pandora Hearts (anime) |
PH | Pädagogische Hochschule (German: University on Education) |
PH | Physically Handicapped |
PH | Pin Hole |
PH | Parathyroid Hormone |
PH | pubic hair |
PH | Pulmonary Hemorrhage |
PH | Providence Hospital |
PH | Pleckstrin Homology |
PH | Precipitation Hardening (steel) |
PH | Place Holder (gaming) |
PH | Professional Hunter |
PH | Phantom Hourglass (Zelda game) |
PH | Policyholder (insurance) |
PH | Parker Hannifin Corporation |
PH | Past Medical History |
PH | Potato Head (toy) |
PH | Potencial Hidrógeno (Spanish: Potential Hydrogen) |
PH | Peak Hour |
PH | Proportional Hazard(s) |
PH | Purpura Hemorrhagica (horses) |
PH | Partial Hepatectomy |
PH | Phillips Head (screwdriver) |
PH | Peace Health |
PH | Partido Humanista (Portugese: Humanist Party) |
PH | phenylalanine hydroxylase |
PH | Paid Holiday |
PH | Pilot House |
PH | Portola Hills (California) |
PH | Packet Header |
PH | Porter Hall |
PH | Player's Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons) |
PH | Pharmacie Hospitalière (French: Hospital Pharmacy) |
PH | Pablo Honey (Radiohead album) |
PH | Pyramid Head (Silent Hill video game/movie) |
PH | Personal Holiday |
PH | Package Handler |
PH | Pondus Hydrogenii (Latin: Hydrogen Weight) |
PH | Personal Historian |
PH | Phase Type Distribution (probability concept) |
PH | Protocol Handlers |
PH | Packet Handler |
PH | Path History |
PH | Paul Heyman (former WWE Smackdown GM) |
PH | Potentia Hydrogenii (Latin: hydrogen power) |
PH | Poo Head |
PH | Probability of Hit |
PH | Product Hierarchy |
PH | Prahova County (Romania) |
PH | Pinch Harmonic (Guitar sound made by pinching the strings with the pick) |
PH | Pizza Haven (Seattle, WA; est. 1958) |
PH | Pillowhead (gaming clan) |
PH | Parity High |
PH | Premium History (insurance) |
PH | Presentation Header (TMN) |
PH | Plataforma Humanista |
PH | Physical Header |
PH | Primal Heuristic (algorithm) |
PH | Porphyric Hemophilia (disease) |
PH | (website) |
PH | Puissance de Hydrogen (French: power of hydrogen) |
PH | Protection and Handset |
PH | Poké Hunters (webcomic) |
PH | (USN Rating) Photographer's Mate |