PHPhilippines (Internet top level domain)
PHPublic House
PHPotential of Hydrogen - negative 10-base log (power) of the positive hydrogen ion concentration; measure of acidity
PHPublic Health
PHHuman Performance
PHPhysical (layer, ISDN)
PHPopulation Health
PHPlease Help
PHParis Hilton
PHPearl Harbor
PHPerth (postcode, United Kingdom)
PHPersonal Hygiene
PHPulmonary Hypertension
PHPublic Holiday
PHPerpetual Help (Catholic schools)
PHPhiladelphia Chromosome (molecular biology)
PHPurple Heart
PHPeople Here (chat)
PHParliament House (various locations)
PHPizza Hut
PHPennsylvania Hospital
PHPhot (unit of illumination)
PHPort Harcourt
PHPranic Healing
PHPandora Hearts (anime)
PHPädagogische Hochschule (German: University on Education)
PHPhysically Handicapped
PHPin Hole
PHParathyroid Hormone
PHpubic hair
PHPulmonary Hemorrhage
PHProvidence Hospital
PHPleckstrin Homology
PHPrecipitation Hardening (steel)
PHPlace Holder (gaming)
PHProfessional Hunter
PHPhantom Hourglass (Zelda game)
PHPolicyholder (insurance)
PHParker Hannifin Corporation
PHPast Medical History
PHPotato Head (toy)
PHPotencial Hidrógeno (Spanish: Potential Hydrogen)
PHPeak Hour
PHProportional Hazard(s)
PHPurpura Hemorrhagica (horses)
PHPartial Hepatectomy
PHPhillips Head (screwdriver)
PHPeace Health
PHPartido Humanista (Portugese: Humanist Party)
PHphenylalanine hydroxylase
PHPaid Holiday
PHPilot House
PHPortola Hills (California)
PHPacket Header
PHPorter Hall
PHPlayer's Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons)
PHPharmacie Hospitalière (French: Hospital Pharmacy)
PHPablo Honey (Radiohead album)
PHPyramid Head (Silent Hill video game/movie)
PHPersonal Holiday
PHPackage Handler
PHPondus Hydrogenii (Latin: Hydrogen Weight)
PHPersonal Historian
PHPhase Type Distribution (probability concept)
PHProtocol Handlers
PHPacket Handler
PHPath History
PHPaul Heyman (former WWE Smackdown GM)
PHPotentia Hydrogenii (Latin: hydrogen power)
PHPoo Head
PHProbability of Hit
PHProduct Hierarchy
PHPrahova County (Romania)
PHPinch Harmonic (Guitar sound made by pinching the strings with the pick)
PHPizza Haven (Seattle, WA; est. 1958)
PHPillowhead (gaming clan)
PHParity High
PHPremium History (insurance)
PHPresentation Header (TMN)
PHPlataforma Humanista
PHPhysical Header
PHPrimal Heuristic (algorithm)
PHPorphyric Hemophilia (disease) (website)
PHPuissance de Hydrogen (French: power of hydrogen)
PHProtection and Handset
PHPoké Hunters (webcomic)
PH(USN Rating) Photographer's Mate