Acronym | Definition |
PAM | Pluggable Authentication Modules (information technology) |
PAM | People's Action Movement (Saint Kitts and Nevis) |
PAM | Pamphlet |
PAM | Programme Alimentaire Mondial (French: World Food Program) |
PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation |
PAM | Plant a Million (Indiana) |
PAM | Product Availability Matrix (software logistics) |
PAM | Portland Art Museum (Oregon) |
PAM | Perpetual Art Machine (video art portal) |
PAM | Phone as Modem (telecommunications) |
PAM | Phoenix Art Museum (est. 1959; Phoenix, AZ) |
PAM | Pregnancy after Miscarriage |
PAM | Performing Arts Management (various schools) |
PAM | Patient Assessment and Management (optometry examination) |
PAM | Pamir (linguistics) |
PAM | Privileged Account Management (cybersecurity) |
PAM | Pregnancy-Associated Malaria (dangerous illness) |
PAM | Pacific Aviation Museum (Honolulu, HI) |
PAM | Patient Access Manager (various businesses) |
PAM | Protected Areas Management (conservation) |
PAM | Pain Awareness Month |
PAM | Programma Alimentare Mondiale |
PAM | Pledged Account Mortgage |
PAM | Page Allocation Map |
PAM | Programmable Automotive Microprocessor |
PAM | Profile Administration Manager |
PAM | Process Application Module |
PAM | Proactive Automated Management |
PAM | Primary Automation Manager |
PAM | Port to Application Mapping |
PAM | Pluggable Authentication Module |
PAM | Physical Address Mapping |
PAM | Personal Address Manager |
PAM | Public Access Manager |
PAM | Process Algebra Meetings |
PAM | Process Automation Manager (software) |
PAM | Pan African Mining (various locations) |
PAM | Popular African Music (record label) |
PAM | Post-Approval Monitoring (animal testing) |
PAM | Public Affairs Manager |
PAM | Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (Malaysian Institute of Architects) |
PAM | Plant Asset Management |
PAM | Payload Assist Module |
PAM | Partner Account Manager (sales) |
PAM | Policies and Measures |
PAM | Performance Appraisal Management (software) |
PAM | Policy Analysis Market (DARPA) |
PAM | Portable Automated Mesonet (meteorology) |
PAM | Personal Assurance Message (Internet security) |
PAM | Precision Attack Missile |
PAM | Proud Army Mom |
PAM | Promise Array Management |
PAM | Power Amplifier Module |
PAM | Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis (medicine) |
PAM | Parti Authenticité et Modernité (French: Authenticity and Modernity Party; political party; Morocco) |
PAM | Potential Acuity Meter (ophthalmology) |
PAM | Presbyterian Association of Musicians |
PAM | Pesticide Analytical Manual (FDA) |
PAM | Progressive Asset Management (Financial West Group) |
PAM | Petersen Automotive Museum (Los Angeles, CA) |
PAM | Protospacer Associated Motif |
PAM | Poly-Acrylamide |
PAM | Partitioning Around Medoids (statistics) |
PAM | Point Accepted Mutation |
PAM | Physical Asset Management |
PAM | Programme Against Malnutrition (Lusaka, Zambia) |
PAM | Port Application Mapping (firewalls) |
PAM | Presence and Availability Management (PAMF) |
PAM | Pan African Movement (conference) |
PAM | Potential Available Market (software sales) |
PAM | Project Ares Mod (gaming) |
PAM | Password Authentication Module |
PAM | Port Adapter Module |
PAM | Physical Activity Monitor |
PAM | Plasma Arc Melting |
PAM | Priority Alarm Message |
PAM | Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage |
PAM | Potassium-Aggravated Myotonia (genetic disorder) |
PAM | Praticiens et Auxiliaires Médicaux (French: Practitioners and Physician Assistants) |
PAM | Perceptual Assimilation Model |
PAM | Pass Along Message |
PAM | Programmable Active Memory |
PAM | Pole Amplitude Modulation (system of motor windings) |
PAM | Page Allocation Map (CICS) |
PAM | Performance Assessment Matrix |
PAM | Parque de Atracciones de Madrid (amusement park) |
PAM | Proud Arabian Mare (Breyer mold) |
PAM | Plant Available Moisture |
PAM | Programmable Attribute Map |
PAM | Penetration Augmented Munition |
PAM | Peripheral Adapter Module |
PAM | Patent Application Management |
PAM | Published Application Manager (Citrix Metaframe Utility) |
PAM | Porcine Alveolar Macrophage |
PAM | Pre-Assessment Meeting |
PAM | Peptidylglycine Alpha-Amidating Mono-Oxygenase |
PAM | Princeton Asset Management |
PAM | Portfolio Accounting Management |
PAM | Privileged Access Management (data security) |
PAM | Personal Applications Manager |
PAM | Postaccident Monitoring |
PAM | Performance Archive Manager (Visual Networks) |
PAM | Project Administration Manual (various organizations) |
PAM | Proactive Asset Management |
PAM | Payload Accommodation Manager |
PAM | Personal Alien Manager (gaming) |
PAM | Percentage Accepted Mutation (bioinformatics) |
PAM | Pulse Amplifier Modulation |
PAM | Post-Auricular Muscle |
PAM | Preventive Aerospace Medicine (team; US DoD) |
PAM | Programmable Authentication Module |
PAM | Point Ahead Mirror |
PAM | Predictive Aircraft Maintenance |
PAM | Permanent Archive Manager |
PAM | Pointer Analysis Module |
PAM | Personnel Authorizations Module |
PAM | Pacific Armies Management |
PAM | Prestige Asset Management Co. Ltd. (Japan) |
PAM | Packetized Audio Mixer |
PAM | Problem Analysis Matrix |
PAM | Payload Activation Message |
PAM | Passband Amplitude Modulation |
PAM | Pralidoxime Iodide Injection |
PAM | Purpose, Audience, Message (writing goals model) |
PAM | Portable Alpha Meter (alpha particle detector) |
PAM | Procurement, Aircraft & Missiles |
PAM | Pupil Adjust Mechanism (used on telescopes) |
PAM | Pericolo in Mare (Italian: in danger at sea; SOS) |
PAM | Program Area Manager |
PAM | Program Analysis Memorandum |
PAM | Pressure-Alkali Monitor |
PAM | Product Application Modules |
PAM | Pulse Adapter Module |
PAM | Program Assumptions Memorandum |
PAM | Production Application Management |
PAM | Programa de Apoyo a las Microfinanzas (Spanish: Program to Support Microfinance; Bolivia) |
PAM | Tyndall AFB-Panama City Airport (Panama City, FL) |
PAM | Plan d'Appui aux Médiathèques (French: Support Plan for Public Libraries) |