APPIAmerican Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
APPIAmerican Psychiatric Publishing Inc.
APPIAdvanced Peer to Peer Internetworking
APPIAmerican Psychiatric Press, Inc.
APPIAtmospheric Pressure Photoionization
APPIAdvanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking
APPIAdvanced Plant Pharmaceuticals Inc.
APPIAssociação Portuguesa de Professores de Inglês
APPIAffiliated Power Purchasers International, LLC
APPIAnimal Protein Producers Industry
APPIAustralian Pulp and Paper Institute
APPIAccelerator and Particle Physics Institute
APPIAgência Paranaense de Propriedade Industrial
APPIAsian Petroleum Price Index
APPIAssociated Professional Photographers of Illinois
APPIAsosiasi Produsen Pupuk Indonesia (Association of Indonesia Fertilizer Producers)
APPIAssociation de Promotion de la Profession Infirmière
APPIAtlantic Precision Products Inc.
APPIInternational Association for the Promotion and Protection of Private Foreign Investments
APPIAdvanced Program-to-Program Internetworking
APPIAustrian Pension Performance Index
APPIAcid Precipitated Protein Isolates
APPIAssociation Paulista Pro Interlingua