Acronym | Definition |
OIC | Officer In Charge |
OIC | Oh I See |
OIC | Office of Independent Council |
OIC | Opioid Induced Constipation |
OIC | Organization of the Islamic Conference |
OIC | Organization of Islamic Cooperation |
OIC | Offer In Compromise |
OIC | Organization for International Cooperation (various locations) |
OIC | Office of the Insurance Commissioner (Washington) |
OIC | Options Industry Council (Chicago, IL) |
OIC | Office for Interoperability & Compatibility |
OIC | Officer in Command |
OIC | Opportunities Industrialization Center |
OIC | Oman Insurance Co. |
OIC | Oracle Incentive Compensation |
OIC | Order in Council (Canada) |
OIC | Oracle Instance Client |
OIC | Only in Chain |
OIC | Overcomers in Christ (ministry) |
OIC | Opus International Consultants (various locations) |
OIC | Orkney Islands Council |
OIC | Oakland Ice Center (Oakland, CA) |
OIC | Osaka Ibaraki Campus (Ritsumeikan University; Japan) |
OIC | Open International Competition (procurement) |
OIC | Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (Italian Accounting Committee) |
OIC | Outpatient Infusion Center (healthcare) |
OIC | Open Internet Coalition |
OIC | Other Industrialized Countries |
OIC | Ontology for the Intelligence Community |
OIC | Open Indicators Consortium |
OIC | Old Iron Company (est. 1978; Spencer, IA) |
OIC | Old Icelandic (linguistics) |
OIC | Oral Interpreting Certificate |
OIC | Overseas Indian Citizen |
OIC | Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada |
OIC | Officemate International Corp |
OIC | Online Internet Center |
OIC | ORIX Investment Corporation (Japan) |
OIC | Osteogenesis Imperfecta Congenita |
OIC | Online Interactive Course (various schools) |
OIC | Office of International Conferences |
OIC | Oil Industry Commission |
OIC | Oriental Insurance Corporation (India) |
OIC | Orchid Identification Center (Marie Selby Botanical Gardens) |
OIC | Oregon Institute of Cosmetology (Medford, OR) |
OIC | Oil Importing Country |
OIC | Office of Internal Communications |
OIC | Orlando Immunology Center (Florida) |
OIC | Opus International Communications, Inc |
OIC | Office of Institutional Coordination |
OIC | Opiate Induced Constipation |
OIC | Optical Imaging Center |
OIC | Organizational Identity Construction |
OIC | Operational Issues and Criteria |
OIC | FCC Office of International Communications |
OIC | Orbital Imaging Corporation |
OIC | Other Insurance Carrier (insurance) |
OIC | Oslo International Church (Oslo, Norway) |
OIC | Ottawa Interministerial Council (Canada) |
OIC | Overissue Crew |
OIC | Overseas Instruction in Counseling |
OIC | Operator Instruction Chart |
OIC | Order Isolation Control |