OILOil India Ltd
OILOperation Iraqi Liberation
OILOrganizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro (Italian)
OILOptical Injection Locking
OILOpen Image Library
OILOracle I-Learning
OILOntology Interchange Language
OILOperator Identification Language
OILOntology Inference Layer
OILOffice of Immigration Litigation (Department of Justice Civil Division)
OILOntology Interchange Language (XML)
OILOutgoing Interface List (computer networking)
OILOklahomans for Independent Living
OILOperating Instruction Letter (California)
OILOpen Issues List
OILOpen Information Locator
OILOMS Interaction Language (GlobIS at ETH Zürich)
OILOrdnance Investigation Laboratory
OILOrganizzazione Italiana Lubrificanti (Italian)
OILOptoelectronic Interconnection Layer
OILOpen Incident Listing
OILObservation, Insight, and Lesson (US Army)