Acronym | Definition |
OIL | Oil India Ltd |
OIL | Operation Iraqi Liberation |
OIL | Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro (Italian) |
OIL | Optical Injection Locking |
OIL | Open Image Library |
OIL | Oracle I-Learning |
OIL | Ontology Interchange Language |
OIL | Operator Identification Language |
OIL | Ontology Inference Layer |
OIL | Office of Immigration Litigation (Department of Justice Civil Division) |
OIL | Ontology Interchange Language (XML) |
OIL | Outgoing Interface List (computer networking) |
OIL | Oklahomans for Independent Living |
OIL | Operating Instruction Letter (California) |
OIL | Open Issues List |
OIL | Open Information Locator |
OIL | OMS Interaction Language (GlobIS at ETH Zürich) |
OIL | Ordnance Investigation Laboratory |
OIL | Organizzazione Italiana Lubrificanti (Italian) |
OIL | Optoelectronic Interconnection Layer |
OIL | Open Incident Listing |
OIL | Observation, Insight, and Lesson (US Army) |