RPMRevolutions Per Minute
RPMRed Hat Package Manager
RPMRPM Package Manager (formerly Red Hat Package Manager)
RPMRotations Per Minute
RPMReal Property Management
RPMRemote Print Manager
RPMRounds Per Minute
RPMRendezvous Pitch Maneuver
RPMRock/Punk/Metal (music)
RPMRevenue Passenger Miles (airlines)
RPMResale Price Maintenance
RPMRanish Partition Manager (computing)
RPMRepunched Mint Mark (coins)
RPMRights Protection Mechanism (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)
RPMRemote Power Management
RPMRedhat Package Manager
RPMRealaudio Plug-in
RPMResolution Performance Management
RPMReverse Path Multicasting
RPMResidential Property Management (Virginia Tech)
RPMRoute Processor Module
RPMRemote Process Management
RPMRpm Package Management
RPMRelatively Placed Macro
RPMRecruitment Process Management (software)
RPMRegulatory Project Manager (US FDA)
RPMRemedial Project Manager
RPMRegulatory Procedures Manual (US FDA)
RPMRemote Patient Monitoring
RPMRational Portfolio Manager (IBM)
RPMReinforced Polymer Mortar (pipes)
RPMRemote Performance Monitoring (software)
RPMRoute Processor Module (Cisco)
RPMRisk Portfolio Management
RPMRoller Provence Méditérranée (French roller skating club)
RPMRate Per Minute
RPMRadiation Portal Monitor
RPMRetail Product Management
RPMRegents Policy Manual (various schools)
RPMRevenue Per Thousand (ad impressions)
RPMRaised Pavement Marker
RPMRapid Prototyping Machine
RPMRetail Price Maintenance
RPMResale Price Method (finance)
RPMResource Pool Management (Cisco)
RPMRoyal Prerogative of Mercy (Canada)
RPMReal Property Maintenance
RPMRegistre des Personnes Morales (Brussels Trade Register)
RPMResidential Property Manager
RPMResource Provisioning Management
RPMRegional Project Manager
RPMRaw Power in Motion (fixed cycle exercise)
RPMRepetitions Per Minute
RPMRegroupement des Producteurs Multimedia (French: Gathering of Multimedia Producers; Canada)
RPMRecherche en Pédagogie Musicale (French: Research in Music Pedagogy)
RPMRadio Packet Modem
RPMResource Portfolio Management
RPMRuimtelijk Project Management (Belgium)
RPMRegistered Project Manager
RPMReprogrammable Microprocessor
RPMRemote Port Module
RPMRandom Point Multiplication
RPMReflective Pavement Marker
RPMRegistered Publication Manual (US Navy)
RPMReactive Plume Model
RPMReforming Project Management (magazine)
RPMRaised Pavement Marking
RPMRetro-Propulsion Module (NASA Galileo assembly)
RPMResource Program Management
RPMRabbits Per Minute (cartoon, Wallace & Gromit)
RPMRelationally Placed Macro
RPMRe-Punched Mint Mark (coin grading)
RPMReasonable and Prudent Measure
RPMRumen Protected Methionine
RPMRecursive Process Management
RPMRoot Protection Matting (construction damage mitigation)
RPMRedmax Personal Modem
RPMRapid Productivity Methodology
RPMResearch and Program Management
RPMReserve Personnel Management (US Coast Guard)
RPMResource and Performance Management
RPMReceivables Payment Manager (dental patient records claims processing)
RPMReactor Plant Manual
RPMRassemblement Pour Mali (French: Rally for Mali)
RPMResidual Potential Mapping (geophysical exploration and characterization method)
RPMReliable Packet Management (L3's self-adjusting wireless communications environment)
RPMRuns per Minute (oil industry)
RPMRadial Power Monitor
RPMRemote Program Management
RPMRedundant Port Module (ADC)
RPMRespublica Mediolanensis (Latin: Republic of Milan, Italy; codices and manuscripts)
RPMRegistered Publication Memorandum (US Navy)
RPMReduced-Population Model
RPMReliability Planning and Management
RPMRepeater Performance Monitor
RPMRepair Parts Master (Standard Army Maintenance System, SAMS Manual)
RPMResilient Packet Mesh (Tropic Networks)
RPMRecycled Products Market
RPMReynolds Private Managed Network (Reynolds and Reynolds)
RPMReverse Path Monitor
RPMReference Point Message