Acronym | Definition |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
RPM | Red Hat Package Manager |
RPM | RPM Package Manager (formerly Red Hat Package Manager) |
RPM | Rotations Per Minute |
RPM | Real Property Management |
RPM | Remote Print Manager |
RPM | Rounds Per Minute |
RPM | Rendezvous Pitch Maneuver |
RPM | Rock/Punk/Metal (music) |
RPM | Revenue Passenger Miles (airlines) |
RPM | Resale Price Maintenance |
RPM | Ranish Partition Manager (computing) |
RPM | Repunched Mint Mark (coins) |
RPM | Rights Protection Mechanism (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) |
RPM | Remote Power Management |
RPM | Redhat Package Manager |
RPM | Realaudio Plug-in |
RPM | Resolution Performance Management |
RPM | Reverse Path Multicasting |
RPM | Residential Property Management (Virginia Tech) |
RPM | Route Processor Module |
RPM | Remote Process Management |
RPM | Rpm Package Management |
RPM | Relatively Placed Macro |
RPM | Recruitment Process Management (software) |
RPM | Regulatory Project Manager (US FDA) |
RPM | Remedial Project Manager |
RPM | Regulatory Procedures Manual (US FDA) |
RPM | Remote Patient Monitoring |
RPM | Rational Portfolio Manager (IBM) |
RPM | Reinforced Polymer Mortar (pipes) |
RPM | Remote Performance Monitoring (software) |
RPM | Route Processor Module (Cisco) |
RPM | Risk Portfolio Management |
RPM | Roller Provence Méditérranée (French roller skating club) |
RPM | Rate Per Minute |
RPM | Radiation Portal Monitor |
RPM | Retail Product Management |
RPM | Regents Policy Manual (various schools) |
RPM | Revenue Per Thousand (ad impressions) |
RPM | Raised Pavement Marker |
RPM | Rapid Prototyping Machine |
RPM | Retail Price Maintenance |
RPM | Resale Price Method (finance) |
RPM | Resource Pool Management (Cisco) |
RPM | Royal Prerogative of Mercy (Canada) |
RPM | Real Property Maintenance |
RPM | Registre des Personnes Morales (Brussels Trade Register) |
RPM | Residential Property Manager |
RPM | Resource Provisioning Management |
RPM | Regional Project Manager |
RPM | Raw Power in Motion (fixed cycle exercise) |
RPM | Repetitions Per Minute |
RPM | Regroupement des Producteurs Multimedia (French: Gathering of Multimedia Producers; Canada) |
RPM | Recherche en Pédagogie Musicale (French: Research in Music Pedagogy) |
RPM | Radio Packet Modem |
RPM | Resource Portfolio Management |
RPM | Ruimtelijk Project Management (Belgium) |
RPM | Registered Project Manager |
RPM | Reprogrammable Microprocessor |
RPM | Remote Port Module |
RPM | Random Point Multiplication |
RPM | Reflective Pavement Marker |
RPM | Registered Publication Manual (US Navy) |
RPM | Reactive Plume Model |
RPM | Reforming Project Management (magazine) |
RPM | Raised Pavement Marking |
RPM | Retro-Propulsion Module (NASA Galileo assembly) |
RPM | Resource Program Management |
RPM | Rabbits Per Minute (cartoon, Wallace & Gromit) |
RPM | Relationally Placed Macro |
RPM | Re-Punched Mint Mark (coin grading) |
RPM | Reasonable and Prudent Measure |
RPM | Rumen Protected Methionine |
RPM | Recursive Process Management |
RPM | Root Protection Matting (construction damage mitigation) |
RPM | Redmax Personal Modem |
RPM | Rapid Productivity Methodology |
RPM | Research and Program Management |
RPM | Reserve Personnel Management (US Coast Guard) |
RPM | Resource and Performance Management |
RPM | Receivables Payment Manager (dental patient records claims processing) |
RPM | Reactor Plant Manual |
RPM | Rassemblement Pour Mali (French: Rally for Mali) |
RPM | Residual Potential Mapping (geophysical exploration and characterization method) |
RPM | Reliable Packet Management (L3's self-adjusting wireless communications environment) |
RPM | Runs per Minute (oil industry) |
RPM | Radial Power Monitor |
RPM | Remote Program Management |
RPM | Redundant Port Module (ADC) |
RPM | Respublica Mediolanensis (Latin: Republic of Milan, Italy; codices and manuscripts) |
RPM | Registered Publication Memorandum (US Navy) |
RPM | Reduced-Population Model |
RPM | Reliability Planning and Management |
RPM | Repeater Performance Monitor |
RPM | Repair Parts Master (Standard Army Maintenance System, SAMS Manual) |
RPM | Resilient Packet Mesh (Tropic Networks) |
RPM | Recycled Products Market |
RPM | Reynolds Private Managed Network (Reynolds and Reynolds) |
RPM | Reverse Path Monitor |
RPM | Reference Point Message |