POMSPart of My Story
POMSProduction and Operations Management Society
POMSProgram Operations Manual System (Social Security Administration)
POMSPost-Operative Morbidity Survey
POMSPosted on Multiple Sites
POMSPortfolio Order Management System
POMSPatrol Order Management System
POMSProperty Owners and Managers Survey
POMSProfile of Mood Status
POMSPerformance Outcome Management System (health care database)
POMSPort Operations Management System
POMSParents Over My Shoulder (chat)
POMSPolar Operational Meteorological Satellite
POMSPerformance Operations Management System
POMSProgram Objective Memorandum System
POMSPilgrim Overseas Missionary Society (St. Albans, New York)
POMSPaperless Order Management System