PONPontiac (Amtrak station code; Pontiac, IL)
PONPath of Neo (game)
PONProgramma Operativo Nazionale (Italian: National Operational Program)
PONPekan Olahraga Nasional (National Sports Week; Indonesia)
PONPassive Optical Network
PONParty of No (Republican party slang)
PONProgram on Negotiation
PONPromise of Nursing (Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association)
PONPolish Owczarek Nizinny (Polish Lowland Sheepdog)
PONPurchase Order Number (Sprint)
PONProgram Opportunity Notice
PONParticulate Organic Nitrogen
PONPetroleum Operations Notice (DTI UK government Department of Trade & Industry)
PONPanel of Neutrals (International Trademark Association)
PONPump Octane Number
PONProject Order Number
PONPlane of Nightmare (Everquest game)
PONPacific Online, Inc. (Santa Rosa, California)
PONPort Out Number (telephone porting)
PONPayload Operations Network
PONPeriodical Operating Notice
PONProvincial Offence Notice (Canada)
PONPlus Over Normal (marketing/promotion)
PONProcurement Operations Notice
PONPrimary Olfactory Neuron
PONParaffins, Olefins and Naphthenes (biofuel products)