Acronym | Definition |
PON | Pontiac (Amtrak station code; Pontiac, IL) |
PON | Pontoon |
PON | Path of Neo (game) |
PON | Programma Operativo Nazionale (Italian: National Operational Program) |
PON | Pekan Olahraga Nasional (National Sports Week; Indonesia) |
PON | Passive Optical Network |
PON | Party of No (Republican party slang) |
PON | Paraoxonase |
PON | Program on Negotiation |
PON | Promise of Nursing (Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association) |
PON | Polish Owczarek Nizinny (Polish Lowland Sheepdog) |
PON | Purchase Order Number (Sprint) |
PON | Program Opportunity Notice |
PON | Particulate Organic Nitrogen |
PON | Petroleum Operations Notice (DTI UK government Department of Trade & Industry) |
PON | Panel of Neutrals (International Trademark Association) |
PON | Pump Octane Number |
PON | Project Order Number |
PON | Plane of Nightmare (Everquest game) |
PON | Pacific Online, Inc. (Santa Rosa, California) |
PON | Port Out Number (telephone porting) |
PON | Payload Operations Network |
PON | Periodical Operating Notice |
PON | Provincial Offence Notice (Canada) |
PON | Plus Over Normal (marketing/promotion) |
PON | Procurement Operations Notice |
PON | Primary Olfactory Neuron |
PON | Paraffins, Olefins and Naphthenes (biofuel products) |