PPKPunt, Pass, and Kick (NFL youth program)
PPKProfessional Protection Kit
PPKPalm Portable Keyboard
PPKPublic Private Key
PPKPolizeipistole Kriminalmodell (German: Police Pistol Detective Model)
PPKpalmoplantar keratoderma
PPKPolizei Pistole Kurz (German: Short Police Pistol; Walther Corp 9mm semi-auto designed for police)
PPKPre Printed Kit (banking)
PPKPro Curacao Party (Netherlands Antilles)
PPKPolizei Pistole Kriminal (German pistol)
PPKPersonal Preference Kit (NASA)
PPKParts Per Kilo (thousand)
PPKPer Packet Keying
PPKPassword-Protected Key (cryptography)
PPKPunctate Palmoplantar Keratoderma
PPKPower Press Kit (electronic online press kit for performers)
PPKPikes Peak Tours and Charters, Inc.
PPKPinkster Protestante Kerk (Republic of South Africa)
PPKPotential Capability Index
PPKPre-Placed Key (symmetric encryption key, pre-positioned in a cryptographic unit)