Acronym | Definition |
OSP | Oregon State Police |
OSP | Outside Plant (telephone) |
OSP | Office of Sponsored Programs |
OSP | Office of State Personnel (North Carolina) |
OSP | Open Source Project (various locations) |
OSP | Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana (Spanish: Pan American Sanitary Bureau) |
OSP | Ontario Skills Passport (Canada) |
OSP | Open Space Preserve (various locations) |
OSP | Osservatorio Scolastico Provinciale (Italian: Provincial School Observatory) |
OSP | Off Street Parking |
OSP | Office of Special Plans (ad hoc American intelligence agency) |
OSP | Office of the Special Prosecutor (various organizations) |
OSP | Open Specification Promise (Microsoft) |
OSP | Organic System Plan (organic certification) |
OSP | Oregon State Parks |
OSP | Organizational Security Policies |
OSP | Open Source Physics |
OSP | Open Specification Promise |
OSP | Online Service Provider |
OSP | Optical Storage Processor |
OSP | on Screen Programming |
OSP | Operator Service Provider |
OSP | Office Service Pack |
OSP | Other Specification |
OSP | Optical Sensor Package |
OSP | Open Settlement Protocol |
OSP | Open Source Project |
OSP | Open Source Programming |
OSP | Open Source Portfolio |
OSP | Ole Database Simple Provider |
OSP | Open Services Platform |
OSP | Office Setup |
OSP | Osteoporosis |
OSP | Out of School Program (various locations) |
OSP | Office of State Purchasing (Louisiana) |
OSP | Open Source Photography |
OSP | Opportunity Scholarship Program |
OSP | Oblate Sisters of Providence |
OSP | Olympic Sculpture Park (Seattle, WA) |
OSP | Oral Sodium Phosphate (laxative solution) |
OSP | Open Source Platform (software) |
OSP | Orbital Space Plane (NASA) |
OSP | Overseas Studies Program (various locations) |
OSP | Organic Solderability Preservative |
OSP | Open Settlement Protocol (ETSI) |
OSP | Occupational Sick Pay |
OSP | Organic Surface Protection (circuit boards) |
OSP | Orange Smoothie Productions (gaming) |
OSP | Ochotnicza Straz Pozarna (Polish: village firebrigade) |
OSP | Old Spanish |
OSP | Ohio State Patrol |
OSP | Office of Science Policy (US EPA, Office of R&D) |
OSP | One Stop Portal (various locations) |
OSP | Official Selling Price (petroleum trading) |
OSP | Open Space Program (various locations) |
OSP | One-Stop Planner (education resource) |
OSP | Operations Support Package (US DoD) |
OSP | Outsource Service Provider (various organizations) |
OSP | Optimum Sustainable Population |
OSP | Office Suite Program (software; Microsoft) |
OSP | On-Line Service Provider |
OSP | Outside Processing |
OSP | On Screen Programming (computer monitor) |
OSP | Optical Signal Processing |
OSP | Online Shopping Password (security features) |
OSP | Old Sheffield Plate (type of silver plate) |
OSP | Orchid Seedbank Project (Chandler, AZ) |
OSP | Operating Systems Principles |
OSP | Offshore Procurement |
OSP | On-Site Procurement (gaming clan) |
OSP | Office of Statewide Prosecution (Florida) |
OSP | Ocean Survey Program |
OSP | Operational Service Period |
OSP | Operations Service Provider |
OSP | Organización de Servicios Profesionales (Spanish: Professional Services Organization; various locations) |
OSP | Outside Service Provider |
OSP | Orbital/Sub-orbital Program |
OSP | Ocean Surveillance Product |
OSP | Outside Plant Service |
OSP | Office of Scientific Personnel |
OSP | Other Service Program |
OSP | Operations Support Plan |
OSP | Online Sexual Problems |
OSP | Outside Processes |
OSP | Old School Presbyterian (US census abbreviation) |
OSP | Obiit Sine Prole (Latin: died without issue) |
OSP | Organization Standard Process |
OSP | Okuma Sampling Path |
OSP | Operational Support Product |
OSP | Offensive Stereotype Productions (website) |
OSP | Operational Support Package |
OSP | Occupational Surveillance Program |
OSP | Optimal Site Path |
OSP | Optical Shared Protection |
OSP | Order of St. Paul the First Hermit, Pauline Fathers (religious order) |
OSP | Optimized Software Process |
OSP | Optical Signatures Program |
OSP | Operator Splitting Pre-Conditioner |
OSP | On-Site Programmer |
OSP | Osaka Seling Printing (Japan) |
OSP | Ogden Support Page |
OSP | Objectives & Strategies Plan |
OSP | Open Systems Profile |
OSP | Operational Security Plan |
OSP | Output Signal Processing |
OSP | Oasis Stud Poker |