PCLAPensamento Comunicacional Latino-Americano
PCLAProperty Claim Law Associate
PCLAPublic Communicators of Los Angeles
PCLAPavona Clavus
PCLAPsychiatric Consultation Liaison
PCLAPermanent Committee of Labour Affairs
PCLAPost Colonial Liberation Army
PCLAPalabra Clave
PCLAPennsylvania Club Livestock Association
PCLAPolish Cognitive Linguistics Association
PCLAPoetry Club Literary Angels
PCLAPowerChart Local Access (Cerner Corporation)
PCLAPickerel-Crooked Lakes Association (Conway, MI)
PCLAPeel Criminal Lawyers Association
PCLAPlanning, Compliance, and Landscape Architecture (Yellowstone National Park)
PCLAPolk County Library Association (Florida)
PCLAPC Logic Analyzer
PCLAPunjab College Librarians Association
PCLAPerson-Caswell Lake Authority (Roxboro, NC)
PCLAPrimary Care Liability Alert
PCLAPortuguese Canadian Lawyers Association
PCLAPacific Coast Lacrosse Association (Los Angeles, CA)
PCLAPioneer Community Living Association (Canada)
PCLAPeace Country Luge Association (Canada)
PCLAParklawn Christian Leadership Academy (Milwaukee, WI)
PCLAPaper Chain Letter Archive
PCLAPolish Canadian Librarians Association
PCLAPolish Cement and Lime Association
PCLAPutnam County Leadership Academy (Greencastle, IN)
PCLAPunjab Contract Lecturers Association (India)
PCLAPrimary Care Learning Association (UK)
PCLAParagon Cooperative Learning Academy (Covington, Georgia)
PCLAPittsford Community Lacrosse Association (Pittsford, NY)
PCLAPruritic Cutaneous Lichen Amyloidosis
PCLAPakistan Christian Lawyer Association
PCLAPittsburgh Civic League Apartments
PCLAPower Control Linkage Assembly
PCLAPiedmont Community Learning Academy
PCLAPacific Coast Language Academy (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
PCLAPressure Containment Lower Assembly
PCLAPost Canyon Libation Army
PCLAPeer Counselor Library Assistant
PCLAPeter Collins, Landscape Architect (Ottawa, Canada)
PCLAPhoca Largha
PCLAPreliminary Coupled Loads Analysis