Acronym | Definition |
ORG | Organization (usually nonprofit top level internet domain) |
ORG | Open Rights Group (UK) |
ORG | Origin (Geographical Location; US DoD) |
ORG | Origin |
ORG | Organizational |
ORG | Oxford Research Group (UK) |
ORG | Set Origin (assembly language directive) |
ORG | Office of the Registrar General (Canada) |
ORG | Orgrimmar (gaming, World of Warcraft city) |
ORG | Online Roleplaying Game |
ORG | Organizer File |
ORG | Organization |
ORG | Optical Rain Gauge (weather) |
ORG | Outdoor Recreation Group |
ORG | Orange Regional Gallery (Australia) |
ORG | Office of the Regulator-General (Victoria, Australia) |
ORG | Outer Rim Garrison (gaming clan) |
ORG | Operation Research Group |
ORG | Objects and Relationships Graph |