PNSPegawai Negeri Sipil (Indonesian: civil servant)
PNSPeripheral Nervous System
PNSPush Notification Service (software)
PNSPacific News Service
PNSProto-Neutron Star (physics)
PNSPPTP Network Server
PNSPerfect Nutrition Systems (South Africa)
PNSPortsmouth Naval Shipyard
PNSPacific Northwest Snowfighters (various locations)
PNSPrinciples of Networked Systems (computer networking)
PNSPensacola, FL, USA (Airport Code)
PNSPediatric Nurse Specialist
PNSProfessional Network Services (Roanoke, VA)
PNSPerbadanan Nasional Berhad (Malaysia)
PNSPortable Navigation System
PNSPoint 'n' Shoot (camera)
PNSParabolized Navier Stokes
PNSProfessor of Naval Science
PNSPacket Switched Network
PNSPerfect North Slopes
PNSPolytech Nice Sophia (France; engineering school)
PNSPilonidal Sinus
PNSPrimary Name Server
PNSPhilippine Nurses Society
PNSPhiladelphia Neuropsychology Society
PNSPrivacy Notice Statement (trade; Canada)
PNSPrecision Navigation System
PNSPakistan Naval Ship
PNSPay n Spray (gaming, Grand Theft Auto)
PNSPrivate Network Services (Ciena)
PNSPractical Nursing Student
PNSProvincial Normal School (teacher training; Canada)
PNSPhase Noise Suppression
PNSParenteral Nutrition Solution
PNSPacific Nuclear Services
PNSPeople's Navy Ship (Honor Harrington science fiction novels)
PNSPolicyholder Notification System (insurance)
PNSPhilippine Nephrology Society
PNSPre-Nesting Syndrome
PNSProvider Network System
PNSPrivate Network System