Acronym | Definition |
POA | Price On Application |
POA | Parallels Operations Automation |
POA | Property Owners Association |
POA | Power Of Attorney |
POA | Programa Operativo Anual (Spanish: Annual Operating Program; various locations) |
POA | Programme of Action (various organizations) |
POA | Present On Admission (medical diagnosis reporting) |
POA | Party of Action |
POA | Proof of Authority (blockchain algorithm) |
POA | Pony of the Americas (Pony of the Americas Club) |
POA | Prisoner of Azkaban |
POA | Plan Of Action |
POA | Proof of Acceptance |
POA | Program for Older Adults (various organizations) |
POA | Pot of Avarice |
POA | Price of Anarchy (game theory) |
POA | Pentecostals of Alexandria (Alexandria, LA) |
POA | Police Officers Association |
POA | Partnership of the Americas (US DoD; US Southern Command) |
POA | Price on Asking (real estate) |
POA | Plan Operativo Anual |
POA | Portable Object Adapter |
POA | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book by J. K. Rowling) |
POA | Price on Arrival |
POA | Prison Officers' Association (UK) |
POA | Point of Aim |
POA | Preoptic Area |
POA | Pledge of Allegiance |
POA | Pride of America (camp and Norwegian Cruise Line cruise ship) |
POA | Power-On Authentication (Sophos software) |
POA | Profit on Ordinary Activities |
POA | Planet of the Abts (band) |
POA | Provincial Offences Act (Canada) |
POA | Point of Attachment |
POA | Piece of Ass |
POA | Points of Authority |
POA | Piece of Art |
POA | Proof of Address |
POA | Public Order Act of 1986 |
POA | Points of Agreement |
POA | Plan of Attack |
POA | Program of Activities (various organizations) |
POA | Post Office Agent |
POA | Provincial Offences Administration (Canada) |
POA | Peace Officers Association |
POA | Principles of Accounting |
POA | Pakistan Olympic Association |
POA | Proof of Age |
POA | Point Of Access |
POA | Philadelphia Orchestra Association (Philadelphia, PA) |
POA | Period of Amenorrhoea (biology) |
POA | Person of Authority |
POA | Point of Arrival |
POA | Pacific Ocean Area |
POA | Portable Object Adaptor (CORBA) |
POA | Philharmonic Orchestra of the Americas (New York, NY) |
POA | Protection of Assets |
POA | Plain Old ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) |
POA | Physician Office Administrator (various organizations) |
POA | Pay Option Arm (loan) |
POA | Port of Anchorage |
POA | Place of Articulation |
POA | Partial Order Alignment |
POA | Purchase Order Acknowledgement |
POA | Probability of Area |
POA | Period of Availability |
POA | Pillar of Autumn in Halo: Reach (gaming) |
POA | Palmitoleic Acid (fatty acid) |
POA | Puppeteers Of America (Cincinnati, OH) |
POA | People of Asia |
POA | Ponies of America (horse breed) |
POA | Period of Adjustment |
POA | Profession of Arms |
POA | Pay Own Account |
POA | Priester Ohne Amt (German: Priests without an Office) |
POA | Production Organization Approval |
POA | Paid on Account (financial transactions) |
POA | Protuobavještajna Agencija (Counter Intelligence Agency, Croatia) |
POA | Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil - Salgado Filho (Airport Code) |
POA | Psychiatry of Old Age |
POA | Paid on Arrival |
POA | Path of Ascension (gaming group) |
POA | Part of Assembly |
POA | Plane of Array (measurements perpendicular to the solar receiver) |
POA | Position of Attention |
POA | Prowler Owners Association (Plymouth car) |
POA | Payload Oru (Orbital Replacement Unit) Accommodation |
POA | Principle of Accounts (tuition) |
POA | Posto Osservazione Allarme (Italian: Place Observation Alarm) |
POA | Phase of Arrival |
POA | Pride of Arizona (University of Arizona marching band) |
POA | Para Osteo Arthropathy |
POA | Pay on Arrival |
POA | Persistent Object Adapter |
POA | Privately Owned Animal |
POA | Point of Analysis |
POA | Premature Ovarian Aging |
POA | Point of Acquisition |
POA | Pets on Approval (housing) |
POA | Punch on Australia (online gaming) |
POA | Procrastinators of America |
POA | Pattern Oriented Approach |
POA | Purchase Order Authorization |
POA | Pattern Of Analysis |
POA | Pacific Ocean Alaska (CoE District) |
POA | Probability of Adequacy (insurance industry) |
POA | Project Opportunity Assessment |
POA | Priced on Agreement |
POA | Pilliar of Autum (gaming) |
POA | Protectors of America |
POA | Project of Activities |
POA | PeriOperative Assistant |
POA | Piano Operativo Aziendale (Italian: Operational Business Plan) |
POA | Position Organizational Address (US DoD) |
POA | Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates (Maryland) |
POA | Peak Oil Aware (energy crisis) |
POA | Pad on Active (circuit technology) |
POA | Paladins of Alsangarnia (gaming clan) |
POA | Projection of Aggression (band) |