POBPlace of Business
POBPort of Baltimore (Baltimore, MD)
POBPoint of Beginning (land surveying)
POBPrice of Blood
POBPost Office Box
POBParti Ouvrier Belge (French: Belgian Labor Party)
POBPlace Of Birth
POBPoint of Balance (swords)
POBPeripheral Order Buffer
POBPRADCO Outdoor Brands (Elton B. Stephens Company)
POBPoint of Banking
POBPhenoxybenzamine (alpha-blocker)
POBPrinciples Of Business
POBParis Opera Ballet
POBPublic Oversight Board
POBProfessional Oversight Board (UK FRC)
POBPlastic Ono Band (John Lennon album)
POBPersons On Board
POBPatrick O'Brian (author)
POBProfessional Office Building
POBPension Obligation Bonds
POBPersonnel on Board
POBProjection Optics Box
POBPre-Opening Budget (hotel management)
POBPrevention of Blindness
POBPrince of Belvedair (Bushido album)
POBPilot on Board
POBPoint of Business (service management system)
POBPsychological Operations Battalion
POBPassenger on Board
POBPhysician Office Building
POBPaper-Over-Board (type of book binding)
POBPublic Order Battalion (Iraq)
POBPop Off Boys (band)
POBPat on Back
POBPortable Oxygen Bottle (aerospace)
POBPhenomena on Break (comics)
POBPoint of Breaking (applied solid mechanics)
POBParade Of Bands
POBPatrol Observation Base
POBProduct of Boredom (webcomic)
POBPhemas Of Beijing Company
POBProtected Outlet Box
POBPublication Orthopédique Biomécanique
POBPen Order Booking
POBPersistent Object Backend/Base
POBPortion of Business
POBPercentage of Base
POBPoint of Blame
POBPedestrian on Bike
POBPremium Online Business (New York, NY)