OVCOur Valued Customers (webcomic)
OVCOffice for Victims of Crime (US Department of Justice)
OVCOhio Valley Conference
OVCOrphans and Vulnerable Children
OVCOntario Veterinary College
OVCOpen Value Company-Wide
OVCOpen View Communication
OVCOther Valuable Consideration
OVCOffice of the Vice Chancellor
OVCOne Visit Crown (dentistry)
OVCOriginal Venice Crew (cars)
OVCOpen Voting Consortium
OVCOhio Valley College
OVCODJFS (Ohio Department of Job and Family Services) Video Conferencing
OVCOnline Vacation Center
OVCOhio Valley Center
OVCOverseas Visitors Club
OVCOfficial Verification Card
OVCOff-Vehicle Charging (electric vehicles)
OVCOccupational Violent Crime (UK)
OVCOnline Vampire Community
OVCOperator Virtual Connection
OVCOptimized Valence Configuration
OVCOttawa Valley Chapter
OVCOnline Video Communications, Inc
OVCOptometric Vision Center
OVCOxford Valley Chiropractic (Pennsylvania, USA)
OVCOpen View Contents
OVCOhmart Video Creations, Inc. (Joplin, MO)
OVCOmaha Vaccine Company
OVCOakland Virtual Connection
OVCOutgoing-switched Virtual Circuit (Nortel)
OVCOuter Space Visual Communicator (from Pack Jam song Look Out for the OVC)
OVCOmagh Volunteer Bureau
OVCOrange Varrio Cypress (street gang)
OVCOther Verbal Consideration
OVCOld Volks Club (automotive club; UK)
OVCOperation Volcano
OVCOn-Vehicle Computing