PIDAPublic Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (UK)
PIDAPet Industry Distributors Association
PIDAPennsylvania Industrial Development Authority
PIDAPhotonics Industry Technology & Development Association
PIDAPunjab Irrigation and Drainage Authority
PIDAPython Integrated Development Application
PIDAParticipatory Institute for Development Alternatives
PIDAPaper Industry Dealers Association
PIDAPrograma de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrícola
PIDAPain In Da Ass :-)
PIDAPenn's Interdisciplinary Dialogues on AIDS
PIDAPhenyliodine Diacetate
PIDAPayload Installation and Deployment Aid (NASA)
PIDAPower-mobility Indoor Driving Assessment
PIDAPittsburgh Internet Developers Association
PIDAPalawan Islands Development Authority
PIDAProprietary Information Disclosure Agreement (business agreement)
PIDAPennsylvania Independent Dealers Association
PIDAProperty Investment Diploma Association
PIDAPlan d'Intervention Des Avalanches
PIDAPolish Industrial Design in America
PIDAPlan Individual de Aplicación