Acronym | Definition |
PIE | Partners in Education |
PIE | Progress in Industrial Ecology (journal; Inderscience Publishers) |
PIE | Partners in Employment (disabilities) |
PIE | Prevention, Intervention and Enforcement (crime fighting) |
PIE | Parent Involvement in Education (various locations) |
PIE | Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (various organizations) |
PIE | Proto-Indo European (linguistics) |
PIE | Platform for Information Exchange |
PIE | Plastics Information Europe (publication) |
PIE | Persuade, Inform, Entertain (writing) |
PIE | Pan Island Expressway (Singapore) |
PIE | Partners in Enterprise (various locations) |
PIE | Pacific Image Electronics (various locations) |
PIE | Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (various schools) |
PIE | Plug-In Extension (software) |
PIE | Punkt Informacji Europejskiej (Polish: European Information Point) |
PIE | Pose, Illumination, and Expression (face recognition database) |
PIE | Public Interest Entity (various locations) |
PIE | Process Interface Electronics |
PIE | Publication in Engineering |
PIE | Portfolio Investment Entity |
PIE | Pielaveden (Finnish) |
PIE | Photo Imaging Expo |
PIE | Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema (medical) |
PIE | Program Information Exchange (various organizations) |
PIE | Partners in Excellence (customer-satisfaction program instituted by ARI leasing/fleet management company) |
PIE | Pacific Internet Exchange (San Francisco, CA) |
PIE | Prison Industry Enhancement (programs) |
PIE | Pacific Intercultural Exchange (San Diego, CA) |
PIE | Performance Image Exposure (career succss) |
PIE | Post-Irradiation Examination |
PIE | Point Info Energie (French: Info Point Energy) |
PIE | Public Issues Education |
PIE | Persistent Identification Element |
PIE | Panasonic Industrial Europe GmbH (Panasonic Europe Ltd.) |
PIE | Pacific Intermountain Express |
PIE | Price in Effect |
PIE | Public Internet Exchange (various locations) |
PIE | Process Improvement Experiment |
PIE | Personal Information Environment |
PIE | Pre-Installation Environment (computer operating system environment) |
PIE | Period of Initial Eligibility (insurance) |
PIE | Presence, Identity and Edge Resources (peer to peer computing) |
PIE | Project Import Export, Inc. (furniture; Miami, FL) |
PIE | Peripheral Interrupt Expansion |
PIE | Pulsed Irrigation Evacuation (enema) |
PIE | Pride in Excellence |
PIE | Private Internet Exchange |
PIE | Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation |
PIE | Postulated Initiating Event |
PIE | Peer Integration Exchange |
PIE | Package Installation Envelopes (Cisco) |
PIE | Particle Impact Experiment |
PIE | Platform for International Education (Netherlands) |
PIE | Protocol Information Element |
PIE | Permanent Intermittent Employee |
PIE | Federación de la Plataforma de los Independientes de España |
PIE | Parking Industry Exhibition and Conference |
PIE | Psychological Impacts and Effects |
PIE | Pulmonary Infiltrates with Eosinophils (lung disorder) |
PIE | Personal Incidental Expenditure |
PIE | Propagation, Infection, Execution (computer security) |
PIE | Productivity Integrated Environment |
PIE | Policy and Information Encyclopedia |
PIE | Pulse Interference Elimination |
PIE | Problems, Issues & Expectations (Analysis) |
PIE | Partitioned/Programmable Interface Equipment |
PIE | Photo-Ionization Efficiency (spectroscopy) |
PIE | Policy Issuance Entry (Queue - Insurance) |
PIE | Parlamento Indio Estatal (Spanish: Indian State Parliament; Mexico) |
PIE | St Petersburg/Clearwater, FL, USA - St Petersburg/Clearwater International (Airport Code) |