RABRapid Action Battalion (Bangladesh)
RABRabobank (Tour de France cycling sponsor)
RABRegulatory Asset Base
RABReichsautobahn (German: Highway of the Reich)
RABRadio Advertising Bureau
RABRhythm and Blues
RABRadio Receiver (high frequency; US Navy)
RABRange and Bearing
RABRestoration Advisory Board
RABRotary Air Blast (mining)
RABRegistrar Accreditation Board (ANSI)
RABReady Alert Brakes
RABRadio Access Bearers
RABResource Accounting and Budgeting
RABRegionalverkehr Alb-Bodensee GmbH (German)
RABRAID Advisory Board
RABRabaul, Papua New Guinea - Lakunai (Airport Code)
RABResistivity-at-the-Bit (measuring tool)
RABRoyal Academy of Ballet
RABRegional Activities Board (IEEE)
RABRadio Access Bearer
RABRegulus A. Black (Harry Potter 6)
RABResidential Advisory Board (various schools)
RABRadio Aomori Broadcasting (Japan)
RABRed, Amber and Black (Bradford Bulls Rugby League fans forum)
RABRetail Advisory Board (various organizations)
RABRemote Afterloading Brachytherapy
RABRetarded Animal Babies
RABRenewal At Birth
RABRest Assured Bodyworks (Canada)
RABReport Acceptance Body (accounting)
RABPostal Tax Semipostal (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
RABRegulatory Affairs Branch (National Cancer Institute)
RABRegional Accountability Bureau (Pakistan)
RABRecycling Advisory Board (various locations)
RABRandom Access Burst
RABRembo Auto-Backup
RABRestricted Area Badge
RABRectangular Array Beamformer
RABResident Authority Board
RABRisk Assessment Board (various organizations)
RABRéseau Africain de Biosciences (French: African Biosciences Network)
RABRisk Assurance Board (Elexon Ltd.; UK)