(redirected from Project Management System)
PMSPantone Matching System (color matching for publishing)
PMSPremenstrual Syndrome
PMSProperty Management System
PMSProbability and Mathematical Statistics (various organizations)
PMSProperty Management Services (various locations)
PMSPain Management Service (Australia)
PMSPractice Management System
PMSPerformance Management System
PMSPavement Management System
PMSProject Management System
PMSPrivate Messaging System (software)
PMSPeninsula Medical School (Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, UK)
PMSProvincial Management Service (Pakistan)
PMSPre Main Sequence (astronomy)
PMSProfessor of Military Science
PMSPersonal Medical Services
PMSPantone Matching System
PMSProgram Managers
PMSPreferred Message Storage
PMSProgrammable Memory Scan
PMSPrivilege Messaging Service
PMSPolyserve Matrix Server
PMSPlug-in Modules
PMSPayment Management System
PMSPiping Material Specification (engineering)
PMSPeacock Mantis Shrimp
PMSPresidential Management Staff (Philippines)
PMSPost-Marketing Surveillance (monitors ongoing safety of marketed drugs)
PMSProduction Monitoring System (various businesses)
PMSPaesi Meno Sviluppati (Italian: Least Developed Countries)
PMSPreventive Medicine Service
PMSPhilips Medical Systems
PMSPhenazine Methosulfate
PMSPerformance Measurement System
PMSPower Management System
PMSPresbyterian Mutual Society (savings plan)
PMSPre-Marital Sex
PMSPresbyterian Medical Services (Santa Fe, NM)
PMSPublication Management System (software)
PMSPiedmont Middle School (California)
PMSPremium Motor Spirit (fuel)
PMSPerformance Monitoring System
PMSPotential Murder Suspect (law enforcement)
PMSPortfolio Management System
PMSPass My Shotgun
PMSProgram Management Support
PMSPreventive Maintenance System
PMSPoor Me Syndrome
PMSPersonnel Management System
PMSPandora's Mighty Soldiers
PMSPerformance Management Solutions
PMSPackage Management System (computer software)
PMSProgram Management System
PMSProductive Members of Society (recovery oriented)
PMSProcess Management System
PMSPermanent Magnet Synchronous (motor)
PMSProject Management Specialist
PMSParty Management System (web-based application; Assembly Organizing)
PMSProject Management and Scheduling (Workshop)
PMSPreventive Maintenance Service
PMSPontifical Mission Societies (Catholic association)
PMSPersonal Mission Statement
PMSPortable Meteorological Subsystem (US DoD)
PMSPreventative Maintenance System (US DoD)
PMSPlease Make It Stop
PMSPost More Soon
PMSPerinatal Mortality Survey (UK)
PMSPoverty Monitoring Survey (various nations)
PMSPissy Mood Syndrome
PMSPoverty Monitoring System
PMSPueblo Municipal Shooters, Inc. (Pueblo, CO)
PMSPower Monitoring Software
PMSPharmacy Management System
PMSPostmeiotic Segregation
PMSPetros and Money Show (radio program)
PMSPlatform Management System
PMSPeople's Medical Society
PMSPostgraduate Medical School
PMSPeriodic Monthly Statement (automated clearinghouse method for duty payment to customs)
PMSProject Manager Ships
PMSPack My Suitcase
PMSProcessor Memory Switch
PMSParked Motorcycle Syndrome (winter blues)
PMSPowell Middle School (Brooksville, FL)
PMSPacific Masters Swimming
PMSPlant Monitoring System
PMSParking Management System
PMSPatient Monitoring System
PMSParticipating Member States (European Defence Agency)
PMSProcurement Management System
PMSPrecious Metals Sector
PMSPersonnel Management Specialist
PMSPedestal Mounted Stinger
PMSMartinique Socialist Party
PMSPipeline Management System
PMSPersonal Management System
PMSParallel Math School (Bangladesh)
PMSProject Master Schedule
PMSPalmetto Middle School (Miami, FL)
PMSPercent of Market Share
PMSPassword Management System
PMSPlant Management System
PMSPrecise Mousing Surface (3M mousepad)
PMSPost-Marketing Survey
PMSProblem Management System
PMSPublic Message System
PMSProgram Management Specialist
PMSPretty Mean Sisters (WWF wrestling)
PMSPower Money Sex
PMSParticle Measurement System
PMSPeyton Marie Sawyer (One Tree Hill character nickname; Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer)
PMSNAVSEA Program Manager
PMSPicturephone Meeting Service (AT&T)
PMSPréparation Militaire Supérieure (France)
PMSProduction Management Specialist
PMSPhillips Middle School (Iowa)
PMSPostmenstrual Syndrome
PMSPersonal Mailing System
PMSPurchase More Shoes
PMSPublic Message Service
PMSPlaza Middle School
PMSPhased-Mission System
PMSPhysical Media Specific
PMSPershing Middle School (Missouri)
PMSPeriodic Maintenance Schedule
PMSPour More Scotch (alcoholic slang)
PMSPsychotic Men Slayerz (gaming clan)
PMSPeriodic Mesoporous Silica (chemistry)
PMSPamper Me Softly, Inc.
PMSPatapsco Middle School (Maryland)
PMSProgram Master Schedule
PMSPlantation Middle School (Plantation, Florida)
PMSPittsford Middle School (Pittsford, NY)
PMSPrimary Medical Services Contract (National Health Service; UK)
PMSPure Motor Stroke (medical)
PMSPerpetual Motion Squad (TV show The Big Bang Theory)
PMSProspect Management System
PMSPardon My Swag
PMSPalms Middle School
PMSProbability of Mission Success
PMSPractically My Sister
PMSPepperoni Mushroom & Sausage
PMSPennichuck Middle School
PMSPropulsion Module Subsystem (US NASA)
PMSPacoima Middle School
PMSPulse, Motor, Sensation
PMSPhase Measurement System
PMSPhilomath Middle School (Oregon)
PMSPark Maitland School (Maitland, Florida)
PMSPardon My Stupidity
PMSPaint Mixing System(s)
PMSPines Middle School (Pembroke Pines, FL)
PMSProgram Manager Surface
PMSPre-Millennium Stress
PMSProduction and Marketing Systems
PMSPermitted Maximum Signal (ITU-T)
PMSPollicita Middle School (Daly City, CA)
PMSProgram Management Squadron
PMSParkside Middle School (various locations)
PMSProgram Manager Sea
PMSPlainfield Middle School
PMSPortable Monitoring System
PMSPollard Middle School (Needham, MA)
PMSPhantom Menace Syndrome (Star Wars)
PMSPortable Monitoring Set
PMSPicacho Middle School (Las Cruces, New Mexico)
PMSPermanent Measurement System
PMSPrimary Message System
PMSPortable Memory Stick
PMSPrincipal Marine Surveyor
PMSParras Middle School
PMSPassport Management System
PMSPoe Middle School
PMSPasse Musikalske Studiner
PMSPac Man Syndrome (song)
PMSPAC II Project Management System
PMSPepperell Middle School
PMSPost Meal Sleepies :-)
PMSPharmaceutical Marketing Society (UK)
PMSPueblo Middle School
PMSPoor Motivational Syndrome (band)
PMSPennbrook Middle School
PMSPenndale Middle School
PMSPalmer Middle School (Kennesaw, GA)
PMSPower Modulation Symposium
PMSProcess Measurement System
PMSProject/Program Manager, Ship (Naval Sea Systems Command)
PMSPenn Middle School (Claridge, PA)
PMSPhysical Media Section
PMSProud Marin Sisters
PMSPines Montessori School (Kingwood, TX, USA)
PMSProgram/Project Manager, Sea (NAVSEA)
PMSPony Motor Starting
PMSPhoenix Missile System
PMSPayson Middle School
PMSPeru Middle School (Peru, New York)
PMSPost-Millennium Stress
PMSPropellant Management Subsystem
PMSPolymethysilane (polymer)
PMSProfessional Military Studies
PMSProvisioning Monitoring System
PMSPressure Modulation System
PMSPike and Musket Society (English civil wars living history group; Australia)
PMSPenfield Middle School
PMSPollution Monitoring Satellite
PMSProgramme Maghrébo-Sahélien
PMSPlanned Maintenance Schedule/Systems
PMSPlanned Maintenance System/Subsystem
PMSProfiler Meteorological System
PMSParticle Measure Systems
PMSPunahou Middle School (Hawaii)
PMSPeshawar Medical Services
PMSPenalty Mail System (US Postal Service)
References in periodicals archive
To fulfill these requirements, organizations often use various project management systems to achieve their objective within the estimated cost.
Engineering, planning, manufacturing, multi-level assembly and quality controls--every facet of operations is integrated seamlessly with PPM's Electronic Project Management system, providing realtime details with all aspects of a project.
The vendor worked with KDOT's database administrators to ensure the CAFE cash forecasting system could run with the project management system the agency was creating at the same time.
The advanced, best-in-class project management system is expected to enhance the company's operations and efficiencies, in keeping with its commitment to enhancing technology, people and process as part of its customer centric approach to doing business.
He said: "Large corporations with global operations have complex project management systems and the newly installed OPMO will not only enhance efficiencies but will give EZW the flexibility and dexterity required to adapt to the ongoing changes in the business world."
Capital project management systems can completely automate the different facets of project management, including estimation, planning and construction management, and integrate this data into the companys corporate IT infrastructure including ERP, Document Management Systems and Legacy application, enabling enterprise wide IT adoption.
A DESP's design project management system allows formation of project groups made up of multiple members who may be geographically separated.
IronSpire, Inc., a leading supplier of Web-based collaboration solutions for the construction industry, has introduced Precision X-DOC(TM), an enhancement to its PrimeSite(TM) project management system that enables online bid management with electronic data transfer into Timberline Estimating.
Worldwide Computer Products News-17 October 2001-PMG releases new version of project management system (C)1995-2001 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
If there is no common understanding by your senior management of what project management really is, or of the benefits that it can provide, then there is limited hope of installing a co-ordinated project management system and improving your project management performance.
PROBLEM SOLVER: Etails offers a portable project management system for palmtop computers.
The components of the FutureTense IPS include the designer and the project management system. The designer is the system's graphically oriented publishing tool that allows users to design templates and manage projects without programming.