PTPortugal (Internet top level domain)
PTPhysical Therapy
PTPhysical Training
PTPart Time
PTPhysical Therapist
PTPacific Time
PTProthrombin Time (test)
PTPortugal Telecom
PTPort Townsend (Washington)
PTPeriodic Table
PTPersonal Trainer
PTPalestinian Territory
PTPersonal Training
PTPro Tools (audio software)
PTPresent Time (Scientology)
PTPendidikan Tinggi (Indonesian: Higher Education)
PTPlaying Time
PTPrinciples of Technology (physics course)
PTPharmacy Technician
PTPublic Transportation
PTPlain Text
PTPonto (Brazil)
PTPressure Treated
PTPage Table
PTPrimary Trainer
PTPersonal Transporter (Segway)
PTProject Team
PTPartido dos Trabalhadores (Brazilian Worker's Party)
PTPrice Target (finance)
PTPint (unit of measurement)
PTPerformance Test
PTProjection Television (various companies)
PTPublication Type
PTPoker Tracker (software program for online poker players)
PTPaper Towel
PTTest Plan (DoD-STD-7935)
PTPassing Through
PTPeeping Tom
PTPorcupine Tree (band)
PTPhase Transition
PTPartido del Trabajo (Spanish: Workers' Party)
PTPrivate Torrent (file distribution)
PTPositive Test
PTPower Train
PTPower Transformer (electrical engineering)
PTPersonal Transportation (Chrysler's PT Cruiser)
PTPersonal Time
PTPhysics Today
PTPedal Tuner (musical equipment)
PTProficiency Test
PTPop Tarts
PTPro Tempore (Latin: at the moment)
PTProduction Test
PTPerformance Technologies (various locations)
PTPressure Transducer
PTPost Tensioning (construction)
PTPrimary Target
PTPenetration Testing
PTPost- og Teletilsynet (Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority)
PTPerda Total (Brazilian Portuguese: total loss of a insured vehicle)
PTPortsmouth Navy Yard (US Navy)
PTPrivate Type
PTPanel Truck
PTPotty Trained
PTTotal Pressure
PTPressure Transmitter
PTProduct Team
PTPulsatile Tinitus (sound)
PTPosterior Tibial (pulse)
PTProtección Total (Spanish: Total Protection; various locations)
PTPrevious Tweet (social media)
PTPeak Torque
PTPoste e Telecomunicazioni (Italian: Posts and Telecommunications)
PTPythagorean Theorem
PTPsychiatric Technician
PTPayload Type
PTProximal Tubule
PTPublic Telephone
PTPerseroan Terbatas (Indonesian: Limited Liability Company)
PTPermeability Transition (Mitochondria)
PTLiquid Penetrant Testing (welding)
PTPrint Ticket (Windows programming)
PTPatrol Torpedo
PTPostal Telegraph Company (US Navy)
PTPlain Truth
PTPeople Tree
PTProton Therapy
PTPrequel Trilogy (Star Wars)
PTPrecision Teaching (education strategy)
PTProduct Tester
PTPower Turbine
PTPrincipal Teacher (UK)
PTPotential Transformer
PTPriston Tale (gaming)
PTPistoia, Toscana (Italian province)
PTProcessing Technician
PTProgram Trading
PTPhysical Torture
PTPreliminary Training (for ACGs)
PTPulse Time
PTPokémon Trainer
PTPoint of Tangency
PTTransmitted Power
PTPepsi Twist
PTPregnant Teenager
PTPatrol Torpedo Boat
PTProhibited Transaction (qualified retirement plans)
PTPain and Torture (nickname for physical therapy)
PTPrimary Therapist (mental health therapist)
PTPersonal Transponder
PTPattern Transfer (ITU-T)
PTProject Technology
PTProcedure Turn
PTProcess Tool
PTPark Tudor (High School)
PTPulse Transformer (electrical component in switched power supplies)
PTPortable Terminal
PTProcurement Team
PTPalatin Technologies, Inc (pharmaceuticals)
PTParallel Time
PTPackaging and Transportation
PTProficiency Training
PTPacific Telesis
PTPride Toronto (Canada)
PTPeace Team
PTPenetrant Test
PTPistoria (postcode, Italy)
PTPacked Tower
PTPolymer Tip (bullet)
PTPower Tiller
PTPiezoelectric Transformer
PTProfessional Tutorials (India MBA Coaching Institute)
PTPeriodic Test
PTPathology Technician
PTPerpetual Tourist
PTPannier Tank (steam engine)
PTPlymouth Truck
PTPlant Technicians
PTPolymicro Technologies (Phoenix, AZ)
PTPacket Terminal
PTProduction Trial
PTPipeline Time
PTPersonal Trooper (anime, Super Robot Wars)
PTPerusahaan Terbatas (Indonesian: Limited Business)
PTPrevious Taxpayer
PTPresident Thai (Pasadena, California restaurant)
PTPleno Titulo
PTPlain Test
PTPolicy Transactions (insurance)
PTPuthiya Tamizhagam (Tamil Nadu political movement)
PTPresumptive Testing
PTParti de Travailleurs (Workers' Party, Algeria)
PTPatrol Vessel, Motor Torpedo Boat (US Navy)
PTPembroke Telephone (Georgia)
PTPulse Thermography
PTPoint Tender (medical, palpating to determine fracture)
PTPeltotie (Finnish)
PTPollination Technician (Alien characters in the Sims 2 game)
PTPenetration Test, Dye (NDE)
PTPayload Transporter
PTProject Technologist
PTPokemon Treasures (game)
PTPipeline Typical
PTParallel Telemetry
PTPolar Tuberculoid (leprosy)
PTProtection Technology of Los Alamos
PTProject Tanager (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
PTPrinciple Tandem
PTPosse Traction
PTPraemisso Titulo (Latin: mention before the title)
PT(USN Rating) Photographic Intelligenceman
PTPLRS Terminal