Acronym | Definition |
ACCT | Account |
ACCT | Accounting |
ACCT | Accountant |
ACCT | Association of Community College Trustees |
ACCT | Active Creative Computer Technology |
ACCT | Adaptive Computer Controltechnologies |
ACCT | Association for Challenge Course Technology |
ACCT | Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique (French: Agency for the French-Speaking Community) |
ACCT | Assessment, Care in Custody and Teamwork (UK) |
ACCT | Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television |
ACCT | Agency Council on Coordinated Transportation |
ACCT | Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation |
ACCT | Accelerated Cadet Commissioning Training (various schools) |
ACCT | Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory (International Workshop) |
ACCT | Alliance for Commercialization of Canadian Technology |
ACCT | Area Consultative Committee Tasmania |
ACCT | Atlanta Center for Cognitive Therapy |
ACCT | Adaptive Computer Control Technologies |
ACCT | Amsterdams Centrum voor Cosmetische Tandheelkunde (Dutch) |
ACCT | American Center for Children's Television |
ACCT | Alliance Canadienne pour la Commercialisation des Technologies (French) |
ACCT | Agency Coalition for Caribbean Tourism |
ACCT | Adults Connecting with Children and Teens (Washington) |
ACCT | Application of Common Characteristics and Testability |
ACCT | Acute and Critical Care Team |
ACCT | Advanced Customized Characterization Technologies |
ACCT | Agency for Cultural & Technical Cooperation |