PESPro Evolution Soccer (computer and console game)
PESPower Engineering Society (IEEE)
PESPolyester (textile industry)
PESProfessional Engineering Services
PESPhysical and Environmental Sciences (various organizations)
PESPower and Energy Society (IEEE)
PESPreferred Educational Software
PESProduct Engineering Services
PESParty of European Socialists
PESPure Energy Systems
PESPre-Employment Screening (background check)
PESProcessing Elements
PESProgram Editor Workspace
PESProposed Encryption Standard
PESPoly Ellypsoid System
PESProcessor Enhancement Socket
PESParallel Enterprise Server
PESPacketized Elementary Stream
PESPerformance Enhancement Specialist (National Academy of Sports Medicine)
PESPotential Energy Surfaces
PESPower and Energy Systems
PESParenting Education and Support (various locations)
PESProfessional Examination Service
PESPacketized Elementary Stream (MPEG-2)
PESPotential Energy Surface (physics)
PESPayment for Environmental Services (environmental policy tool)
PESPhilosophy of Education Society
PESParameter Estimation (Groundwater Modeling Systems)
PESPerformance Enhancing Substance (drugs)
PESPublic Employment Services
PESProvider Electronic Solutions (Medicaid)
PESProgram Evaluation Standards
PESProgrammable Electronic Systems
PESPerryville Elementary School (Perryville, KY)
PESP-Bit Errored Seconds
PESPsychiatric Emergency Services
PESPentagon Education Services (est. 2001; India)
PESPerformance Evaluation System
PESPensioner Education Supplement (Australia)
PESPhotoemission Spectroscopy
PESPhysical Education and Sport
PESProfessional Education Services (Roseville, CA)
PESPhi Eta Sigma (freshman honors society)
PESPriority Ecosystems Science
PESPan-European Survey
PESProduction Equipment Sales (Sutliff Associates Incorporated)
PESProposed Encryption Standard (cryptography)
PESPercepcao Extra-Sensorial (Portugese)
PESPrivate Express Statutes (laws)
PESPublic Electricity Supplier
PESPublic Expenditure Survey
PESPersonal Earth Station (Hughes)
PESPublic Energy Solutions
PESPlanning and Evaluation Service
PESParish Episcopal School (Dallas, TX)
PESPediatric Exercise Science
PESPrice Elasticity of Supply (microeconomics)
PESPhoto-Electron Spectroscopy
PESProcess Engineering Suite
PESPackaging Execution System (shipping)
PESProtection of Endangered Species
PESPreparedness Evaluation System (US DoD)
PESProfessional Employer Services
PESProgram Elementary Stream
PESPositioning Error Signal
PESParti écologiste suisse
PESPacific Environmental Services, Inc.
PESParticipant Experience Survey
PESPhilippine Economic Society
PESPalmetto Elementary School (Florida)
PESPredictive Enterprise Services (IBM)
PESPerformance Engine Software, LLC
PESPoquoson Elementary School (Virginia)
PESPolice Emerald Society
PESPeoples Education Society
PESPôle Européen de Santé (European Health Center)
PESPrimary Energy Savings
PESPublic Executive Secretary (Church of Scientology)
PESPulaski Elementary School
PESPortable Entertainment System
PESProject Evaluation System
PESPerformance Excellence Series (various organizations)
PESPhysiotherapy and Exercise Science
PESPerformance Evaluation Sample
PESProject Executive Summary (USACE)
PESPeace and Economic Security
PESPublicações Evangélicas Selecionadas (Spanish, Brazil)
PESParadise Electro Stimulations, Inc.
PESProfessional Enterprise Solutions
PESProfessional Event Services
PESPetrozavodsk, Russia - Petrozavodsk Airport (Airport Code)
PESPolarized Electron Source
PESPiedmont Education Services
PESPlasma Emission Spectrometry
PESPower Equipment Systems
PESSand Perch (FAO fish species code)
PESPolitická a Ekonomická Sociologie (Czech)
PESPilot Evaluation System
PESPackage Evaluation and Selection
PESPotential Explosive Site
PESPersonal Effectiveness Seminar
PESPositive Enable System
PESProposal and Estimate System
PESPropreté, Environnement et Santé (Burundi)
PESProblem, Etiology, Signs & Symptoms (medical diagnosis)
PESPhilomath Elementary School (Oregon)
PESProfessional Editorial Standards
PESPopulation Estimates Survey
PESPSTN Emulation Server
PESPrecision Energy Services, Inc.
PESPantheon Electronic Sports
PESParticle Engine Simulation
PESPresse Edition Services
PESProductivity through Effective Supervision
PESParalyzed Evaporation System
PESPayload Ejection System
PESPrecision Electronic Services, Inc.
PESPacific Educational Services, Inc.
PESParity Error Seconds
PESPerformance Engineered Systems, LLC
PESPort and Environmental Safety
PESPaneuropean Business Cooperation Schemes
PESProjekt Erweiterte Selbständigkeit für Schulen
PESProbability of Engagement Success
PESProvincial Extension Service (Papua New Guinea)
PESPlatt Environmental Services (Oak Brook, IL)
PESPrison Education Service
PESPhysical Exchange Specification
PESPromotional Enhancing Services (Puerto Rico)
PESProduction Engineering Specification
PESParakeet Emotional Syndrome
PESPrepositioned Equipment Storage
PESPercentage Error Second
PESPost Embolic Syndrome
PESProgram Element/Evaluation Summary
PESProduct Enhancement Specification
PESParallel Enterprise Servers (IBM)
PESPremium Enterprise Services (Ciena)