Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
POOPPain out of Proportion
POOPPeople of Outstanding Promise (Detroit, MI)
POOPPerl Object-Oriented Persistence
POOPPrinciples of Operation
POOPPivot Out of Pressure (sports)
POOPPeople Order Our Patties (Sponge Bob Square Pants)
POOPPerl Object Oriented Programming
POOPProcedural Object Oriented Programming
POOPPeople Offended by Offended People
POOPPropane, Oxygen, Oxygen, Propane (mnemonic for safe order for turning on torch)
POOPPost Object Oriented Programming
POOPPlain Old Orbix Protocol
POOPPre-Owned Office Products
POOPPseudo Object Oriented Programming
POOPPoor Operating on Packet
POOPPooled Out of Process (Microsoft Internet Information Services)
POOPPipe Organ Owners and Players
POOPParents Opposing Obsession Plan (Earthbound)
POOPProtect Our Only Planet
POOPProtest Outrageous Oil Prices