Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
Acronym | Definition |
POOP | Pain out of Proportion |
POOP | People of Outstanding Promise (Detroit, MI) |
POOP | Perl Object-Oriented Persistence |
POOP | Principles of Operation |
POOP | Pivot Out of Pressure (sports) |
POOP | People Order Our Patties (Sponge Bob Square Pants) |
POOP | Perl Object Oriented Programming |
POOP | Procedural Object Oriented Programming |
POOP | People Offended by Offended People |
POOP | Propane, Oxygen, Oxygen, Propane (mnemonic for safe order for turning on torch) |
POOP | Post Object Oriented Programming |
POOP | Plain Old Orbix Protocol |
POOP | Pre-Owned Office Products |
POOP | Pseudo Object Oriented Programming |
POOP | Poor Operating on Packet |
POOP | Pooled Out of Process (Microsoft Internet Information Services) |
POOP | Pipe Organ Owners and Players |
POOP | Parents Opposing Obsession Plan (Earthbound) |
POOP | Protect Our Only Planet |
POOP | Protest Outrageous Oil Prices |