POPPost Office Protocol (Internet email protocol)
POPPoint of Presence
POPPiece Of Paper
POPPackage on Package (integrated circuits)
POPPoint of Purchase
POPPart of Process
POPParty of the People
POPPeople of Peace
POPPrince of Persia (video game)
POPPrinciples of Practice (healthcare)
POPPercent of Precipitation (meteorology)
POPPlenty of Parking
POPPrince of Peace
POPPrincess of Power (She-Ra toy and animated TV show)
POPProof of Purchase
POPPoint of Presence (interface)
POPPrinciples of Persuasion (workshop)
POPProof of Performance
POPProof-of-Payment (public transportation fare collection)
POPPeople of Praise (various locations)
POPProof of Product (validate/verify vendor's part number)
POPPrinciples of Programming
POPPursuit of Perfection (gaming)
POPPace of Play
POPPremium Only Plan (employee benefit plan)
POPPacific Ocean Park (nautical theme park)
POPProof of Principle
POPPower of Partnership (various organizations)
POPPrinciples of Partnership (various organizations)
POPPut on Production
POPPort of Portland (various locations)
POPPower of Prayer
POPProbability of Precipitation
POPParallel Ocean Program (Global Ocean Model)
POPPsychology of Poker (book)
POPPlaster of Paris
POPProblem Oriented Policing
POPPost-Operative Pain
POPPhysics of Plasmas (journal; American Institute of Physics)
POPPublic Offering Price (finance)
POPParti Ouvrier et Populaire (Swiss political party)
POPPiece of Pie
POPPurchase Order Processing
POPPelvic Organ Prolapse
POPPersistent Organic Pollutant
POPProgestogen-Only Pill (contraception)
POPParents of Prodigals
POPPublic Order Police (various organizations)
POPPrison Outreach Program
POPPower Of The Pen
POPProbability of Paternity
POPPeriod Of Performance
POPPicture on Picture
POPProcessor on Plug-in
POPPackage for Online Programming
POPPartial Order Plan
POPPerformance Optimized Program
POPPackage on Package
POPPseudo Operation
POPProtected Object Policy
POPProof of Possession
POPPicture Out Picture
POPProof of Payment
POPPicture over Picture
POPPost Office Protocol
POPPay One Price
POPPassing Out Parade
POPProphets of Profit
POPPlace of Performance
POPPlanes of Power (Everquest expansion)
POPPicture Outside Picture (television feature)
POPPoint of Production
POPPop From Stack
POPProgram Operating Plan
POPPower of Prevention (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists)
POPPrinting-Out Paper
POPProper Operating Procedure (military)
POPPolicy Option Package (Oregon)
POPPoint of Penetration
POPPerformance Oriented Packaging
POPPrincipal-Only Payment (loans)
POPProcess Operating Procedure
POPPissed Off Person
POPProlyl Oligopeptidase
POPPokémon Organized Play
POPPicture of Performance (human resources)
POPPlacement of Product (marketing)
POPParks Opportunity Program (New York, NY)
POPPlug-in Optronic Payload
POPPain on Palpation
POPPercutaneous Osseointegrated Prosthesis
POPPolitical Opportunity Program (women's political campaigns)
POPPersonal Online Planner
POPParent Orientation Program (various colleges/universities)
POPProgrammable Optical Processor (software)
POPPeak Overpressure
POPPulse Oximeter Plethysmograph
POPPolar Orbiting Platform (ASPRS)
POPPuerto Plata, Dominican Republic - La Union (Airport Code)
POPPalestinian Opinion Pulse (Jerusalem Media and Communication Center)
POPProfessional Options Package
POPPackage-Oriented Programming
POPPayment on Principal (lending)
POPPrecision Optical Performance
POPPicture on Profile (roleplaying gaming)
POPPersonalized Online Photo, LLC
POPProdigies of Peace
POPPost Office Preferred (envelope size which conforms to Post Office requirement)
POPProcessing of Precursor
POPPlasma Oscillation Probe
POPPeak Optical Power
POPProcessor on Plug-In (H/W)
POPPremium Offset Plan (insurance)
POPPerpendicular to Orbital Plane
POPProject Objective Plan
POPPulsed Optically Pumped (quantum optical physics)
POPPresensitized Offset Plate
POPPersistent Occipitoposterior Position (complication of labor and delivery)
POPParity of Product
POPPower Optimization Problem
POPPre-Teens Oppose Prohibition (Kids Next Door show)
POPPipeline Outfit, Petroleum
POPProtected Outperformance Participation Unit