Acronym | Definition |
POP | Post Office Protocol (Internet email protocol) |
POP | Point of Presence |
POP | Popular |
POP | Piece Of Paper |
POP | Package on Package (integrated circuits) |
POP | Population |
POP | Point of Purchase |
POP | Part of Process |
POP | Party of the People |
POP | People of Peace |
POP | Prince of Persia (video game) |
POP | Principles of Practice (healthcare) |
POP | Percent of Precipitation (meteorology) |
POP | Plenty of Parking |
POP | Prince of Peace |
POP | Princess of Power (She-Ra toy and animated TV show) |
POP | Proof of Purchase |
POP | Point of Presence (interface) |
POP | Principles of Persuasion (workshop) |
POP | Proof of Performance |
POP | Proof-of-Payment (public transportation fare collection) |
POP | People of Praise (various locations) |
POP | Proof of Product (validate/verify vendor's part number) |
POP | Principles of Programming |
POP | Pursuit of Perfection (gaming) |
POP | Pace of Play |
POP | Premium Only Plan (employee benefit plan) |
POP | Pacific Ocean Park (nautical theme park) |
POP | Proof of Principle |
POP | Power of Partnership (various organizations) |
POP | Principles of Partnership (various organizations) |
POP | Put on Production |
POP | Port of Portland (various locations) |
POP | Power of Prayer |
POP | Probability of Precipitation |
POP | Parallel Ocean Program (Global Ocean Model) |
POP | Psychology of Poker (book) |
POP | Plaster of Paris |
POP | Problem Oriented Policing |
POP | Post-Operative Pain |
POP | Physics of Plasmas (journal; American Institute of Physics) |
POP | Public Offering Price (finance) |
POP | Parti Ouvrier et Populaire (Swiss political party) |
POP | Piece of Pie |
POP | Purchase Order Processing |
POP | Pelvic Organ Prolapse |
POP | Persistent Organic Pollutant |
POP | Progestogen-Only Pill (contraception) |
POP | Proofs-of-Principle |
POP | Parents of Prodigals |
POP | Public Order Police (various organizations) |
POP | Prison Outreach Program |
POP | Power Of The Pen |
POP | Probability of Paternity |
POP | Period Of Performance |
POP | Picture on Picture |
POP | Processor on Plug-in |
POP | Package for Online Programming |
POP | Partial Order Plan |
POP | Performance Optimized Program |
POP | Package on Package |
POP | Pseudo Operation |
POP | Protected Object Policy |
POP | Proof of Possession |
POP | Picture Out Picture |
POP | Proof of Payment |
POP | Picture over Picture |
POP | Post Office Protocol |
POP | Pay One Price |
POP | Passing Out Parade |
POP | Prophets of Profit |
POP | Place of Performance |
POP | Planes of Power (Everquest expansion) |
POP | Picture Outside Picture (television feature) |
POP | Point of Production |
POP | Pop From Stack |
POP | Program Operating Plan |
POP | Power of Prevention (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) |
POP | Printing-Out Paper |
POP | Proper Operating Procedure (military) |
POP | Policy Option Package (Oregon) |
POP | Point of Penetration |
POP | Performance Oriented Packaging |
POP | Principal-Only Payment (loans) |
POP | Process Operating Procedure |
POP | Pissed Off Person |
POP | Prolyl Oligopeptidase |
POP | Pokémon Organized Play |
POP | Picture of Performance (human resources) |
POP | Placement of Product (marketing) |
POP | Parks Opportunity Program (New York, NY) |
POP | Plug-in Optronic Payload |
POP | Pain on Palpation |
POP | Percutaneous Osseointegrated Prosthesis |
POP | Political Opportunity Program (women's political campaigns) |
POP | Personal Online Planner |
POP | Parent Orientation Program (various colleges/universities) |
POP | Programmable Optical Processor (software) |
POP | Peak Overpressure |
POP | Pulse Oximeter Plethysmograph |
POP | Polar Orbiting Platform (ASPRS) |
POP | Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic - La Union (Airport Code) |
POP | Palestinian Opinion Pulse (Jerusalem Media and Communication Center) |
POP | Professional Options Package |
POP | Package-Oriented Programming |
POP | Payment on Principal (lending) |
POP | Precision Optical Performance |
POP | Picture on Profile (roleplaying gaming) |
POP | Personalized Online Photo, LLC |
POP | Prodigies of Peace |
POP | Post Office Preferred (envelope size which conforms to Post Office requirement) |
POP | Processing of Precursor |
POP | Plasma Oscillation Probe |
POP | Peak Optical Power |
POP | Processor on Plug-In (H/W) |
POP | Premium Offset Plan (insurance) |
POP | Perpendicular to Orbital Plane |
POP | Project Objective Plan |
POP | Pulsed Optically Pumped (quantum optical physics) |
POP | Presensitized Offset Plate |
POP | Persistent Occipitoposterior Position (complication of labor and delivery) |
POP | Parity of Product |
POP | Power Optimization Problem |
POP | Pre-Teens Oppose Prohibition (Kids Next Door show) |
POP | Pipeline Outfit, Petroleum |
POP | Protected Outperformance Participation Unit |
POP | Pustaka-On-Phone |