POPSPOP (Post Office Protocol) Secure
POPSPoints of Presence
POPSPost Office Protocol Server (software)
POPSPerformance Optimized Page Sizing
POPSPartitioned Optical Passive Star (network topology)
POPSParachutists Over Phorty Society (skydiving organization)
POPSProject Operations
POPSPerceptions of Parents Scale (psychology)
POPSProbability of Program Success
POPSPower of Positive Students (est. 1981)
POPSPartners of Prisoners and Families Support Group (UK)
POPSPortable Organ Preservation System
POPSProblem Oriented Public Safety (Washington State Patrol)
POPSPeriodically Oscillating Plasma Sphere (Inertial-Electrostatic-Confinement Fusion Device)
POPSPacific Okinawa Players
POPSPortland Oregon Paper Shapers (origami group)
POPSPerceptions of Organizational Political Scale
POPSPower Over Polio Support
POPSPeople, Organizations, Projects, Skills (US NASA)
POPSPACI Online Proposal System (Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure)
POPSPaperless Ordering Procurement System
POPSPeople Observing People's Safety (behavior-based safety program)
POPSPhilharmonic Orchestra/Philharmonic Symphony
POPSPort Operational Performance Simulator
POPSPrimary Ocean/Oceanographic Prediction System
POPSPlain Old Provisioning System
POPSPartitioned Operations Storage (Nortel)
POPSPyrotechnic Optical Plume Simulators