Acronym | Definition |
POPS | POP (Post Office Protocol) Secure |
POPS | Points of Presence |
POPS | Post Office Protocol Server (software) |
POPS | Performance Optimized Page Sizing |
POPS | Partitioned Optical Passive Star (network topology) |
POPS | Parachutists Over Phorty Society (skydiving organization) |
POPS | Project Operations |
POPS | Perceptions of Parents Scale (psychology) |
POPS | Probability of Program Success |
POPS | Power of Positive Students (est. 1981) |
POPS | Partners of Prisoners and Families Support Group (UK) |
POPS | Portable Organ Preservation System |
POPS | Problem Oriented Public Safety (Washington State Patrol) |
POPS | Periodically Oscillating Plasma Sphere (Inertial-Electrostatic-Confinement Fusion Device) |
POPS | Pacific Okinawa Players |
POPS | Portland Oregon Paper Shapers (origami group) |
POPS | Perceptions of Organizational Political Scale |
POPS | Power Over Polio Support |
POPS | People, Organizations, Projects, Skills (US NASA) |
POPS | PACI Online Proposal System (Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure) |
POPS | Paperless Ordering Procurement System |
POPS | People Observing People's Safety (behavior-based safety program) |
POPS | Philharmonic Orchestra/Philharmonic Symphony |
POPS | Port Operational Performance Simulator |
POPS | Primary Ocean/Oceanographic Prediction System |
POPS | Plain Old Provisioning System |
POPS | Partitioned Operations Storage (Nortel) |
POPS | Pyrotechnic Optical Plume Simulators |