PIWPanstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy (Polish: Oxford University Press)
PIWPoetry International Web (est. 2002)
PIWProcess Improvement Workshop
PIWPut in Work
PIWPetroleum Intelligence Weekly (magazine)
PIWPeriod of Incapacity for Work (human resources management)
PIWPublic Interest Watch (Washington, DC)
PIWPrinting Industries of Wisconsin
PIWPerson In Water
PIWPsychiatric Institute of Washington
PIWProperty Inspection Waiver (mortgage loans)
PIWPrescribed Industrial Waste (US EPA)
PIWPounds Per Inch of Width
PIWPikwitonei, Manitoba, Canada (Airport Code)
PIWPublicly Indexable Web (Internet)
PIWPartnership in Wildlife (Nevada Department of Wildlife)
PIWParalegal Institute of Washington, DC
PIWProject Initiation Workshop
PIWPost Industrial Waste
PIWPhotoCD Imaging Workstation
PIWPatent Images on the Web
PIWPanel of Inventors Worldwide
PIWParent Is Watching
PIWPounds per Square Inch Width
PIWParental Involvement Worker