APARAlat Pemadam Api Ringan (Indonesian: Lightweight Fire Extinguishers)
APARAnnual Performance Appraisal Report (India)
APARAuthorized Program Analysis Report (IBM)
APARAuthorized Program Analysis Report
APARAccounts Payable/Accounts Receivable (finance)
APARActive Phased Array Radar
APARAffected Property Assessment Report
APARAbsorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation
APARAssociation Prévention Autisme Recherche (French: Autism Prevention Research Association)
APARAssociation des Pilotes d'Avions Rares (French: Rare Aircraft Pilots Association)
APARAutomatic Programming and Recording
APARAssociation des Personnels de l'Académie de Rouen (French: Staff Association of the Academy of Rouen; Rouen, France)
APARAssociation Pyrénées Auto Rétro (French vintage automobile association)