Acronym | Definition |
OSV | Our Sunday Visitor (Catholic publication) |
OSV | Och Så Vidare (Swedish: And So On) |
OSV | Og Så Videre |
OSV | Old Sturbridge Village (Sturbridge, MA) |
OSV | On-Site Verification (various companies) |
OSV | On-Site Verification |
OSV | Opel Special Vehicles |
OSV | Oldsmobile Speciality Vehicle |
OSV | Over Snow Vehicle |
OSV | Offshore Supply Vessel |
OSV | Original Sound Version |
OSV | Operations Support Vessel (UK) |
OSV | Offset Scan Voting (semiconductors) |
OSV | Ocean Station Vessel |
OSV | Offshore Service Vessel |
OSV | Operating System Vendor |
OSV | Other Situations of Violence |
OSV | Online Sports Video |
OSV | Office of Senior Victorians (est. 2002; Australia) |
OSV | Ordo Strigoi Vii (Vampyrism) |
OSV | Oil Safety Valve (oil heating lines) |
OSV | Oil Sands Ventures |
OSV | Ordo Sinestra Vivendi (Satanism) |
OSV | Opposing Forces Surrogate Vehicle (Army) |
OSV | Onset of Significant Voiding |
OSV | Organization Shared Vision |
OSV | Optical Section View (Nortel Networks) |
OSV | Oldtimer Segelflug Vereinigung Schweiz (Swiss Vintage Glider Association) |
OSV | Organizzazione Sviluppo Vendite (Italy) |
OSV | One Stop Vehicle (West Sussex, UK) |
OSV | Output Slot Vector |