Acronym | Definition |
POD | Proof Of Delivery |
POD | Pay On Demand |
POD | Print On Demand |
POD | Payable on Death (band name) |
POD | Payable on Death |
POD | Picture of the Day |
POD | Pick of Destiny (Tenacious D movie/album/song) |
POD | Peroxidase |
POD | Plan of Development (land development; various organizations) |
POD | Place of Duty |
POD | Prince Of Darkness |
POD | Prevention of Depression (therapy) |
POD | Permission of the Department (various locations) |
POD | Progression of Disease |
POD | Pot of Duality (Yu-Gi-Oh trading card) |
POD | Probability Of Detection |
POD | Paper on Demand (various organizations) |
POD | Plain Old Documentation (Perl) |
POD | Power on Demand (energy) |
POD | Plan Of the Day |
POD | Point of Dispensing |
POD | Point of Departure |
POD | Production on Demand (manufacturing) |
POD | People and Organizational Development (various organizations) |
POD | Performance Optimized Data (various organizations) |
POD | Ping of Death |
POD | Portable on Demand |
POD | Packet of Disconnect |
POD | Primary Output Device |
POD | Personal Option Digital |
POD | Personal Open Directory |
POD | Play on Demand |
POD | Power on Diagnostics |
POD | Point of Deployment |
POD | Publishing on Demand |
POD | Plain Old Data |
POD | Plain Old Documentation |
POD | Personal on Demand |
POD | Point of Difference |
POD | Postoperative Day |
POD | Point of Distribution |
POD | Piece Of Data |
POD | Passed Out Drunk |
POD | Ping of Death (type of hacking/network attack) |
POD | Publish on Demand |
POD | Port Of Debarkation |
POD | Proper Orthogonal Decomposition |
POD | Perioral Dermatitis |
POD | Production Operator Dashboard |
POD | Port of Discharge (shipping) |
POD | Post Office Department |
POD | Plain Old Data (programming, especially C++) |
POD | Point-Of-Deployment (cable TV) |
POD | Point of Deployment (module; television cable industry) |
POD | Point of Divergence (alternate history) |
POD | Post Of Duty |
POD | Power of Darkness |
POD | Processing of Data |
POD | Port of Departure |
POD | Problem of the Day |
POD | Proof Of Deposit |
POD | Path Of Daggers |
POD | Pacific Ocean Division (USACE) |
POD | Point of Destination (navigation) |
POD | Payload Operations Director (US NASA) |
POD | Professional Organizational Development (various organizations) |
POD | Pay On Delivery |
POD | Precise Orbit Determination |
POD | Point of Development |
POD | Plain Old Document |
POD | Payment on Delivery |
POD | Point of Discharge |
POD | Presbytery of Detroit (Michigan) |
POD | Pouch of Douglas |
POD | Point of Destruction (computer gaming clan) |
POD | Party of Death (book) |
POD | Physician-Owned Distributorship |
POD | Programmatorische Overheidsdienst |
POD | Play on Demand (Line 6) |
POD | Pelagic Organism Decline |
POD | Personnel On Duty |
POD | Probability Of Damage |
POD | Pay or Die (role playing game) |
POD | Parts on Demand |
POD | Payload Operations Division (US NASA) |
POD | Proof of Design |
POD | Pool of Darkness (Dungeons & Dragons computer game) |
POD | Pin on Disc |
POD | Plane of Disease (gaming) |
POD | Point of Demarcation |
POD | Per Our Discussion |
POD | Protective Oceanic Device |
POD | Paracetamol Overdose |
POD | Perception of Dyspnea (pulmonology) |
POD | Peacock Obsessive Disorder |
POD | Pirated Optical Disc |
POD | Playable on Death (band) |
POD | Parent Of the Day |
POD | Priest of Discord (Everquest) |
POD | Peace Out Dawg |
POD | Parachute Opening Device |
POD | Permissible Operating Distance |
POD | Processor on Demand |
POD | Post Operation Day |
POD | Porpoise Detector (static acoustic monitoring instrument) |
POD | Pendulum of Doom (World of Warcraft) |
POD | Phase Opposition Disposition |
POD | Protection on Demand |
POD | Project Overview Document |
POD | Post-Orgasmic Disgust |
POD | Proof of Development |
POD | Product of Desire (UK clothing company) |
POD | Post-Orgasmic Depression |
POD | Programmable Option Devices |
POD | Place of Dolphins (chat server) |
POD | Process Oriented Description |
POD | Patient Own Drugs |
POD | Point of Disconnection |
POD | Planar Optical Display |
POD | Percent of Decrease |
POD | Process Operational Diagram |
POD | Point Of Destitution |
POD | Project Operations Director |
POD | Package Outline Drawing |
POD | Past Over Dosed |
POD | Packet Over DSL |
POD | Planar Orthogonal Drawing |
POD | Pfeffer Outpatient Disability Scale |
POD | Program Objectives Document (DCAA) |
POD | Program Operation Description |
POD | Programmer on Duty (help desk) |
POD | protocol option device |
POD | Pious or Overly Devotional (blog slang) |
POD | Perspectives of Difference |
POD | Post-Operation Debriefing |
POD | Program Operational Date |
POD | Personal Obligation Day |
POD | Procurement Office Desktop |
POD | Point/Port of Delivery |
POD | Pressure Operated Directional (valve) |
POD | Phase-Only Digitized |
POD | Personal Operable Device |
POD | Personnel Observation Device (surveillance camera) |
POD | Profit on Differences (investing) |