PODProof Of Delivery
PODPay On Demand
PODPrint On Demand
PODPayable on Death (band name)
PODPayable on Death
PODPicture of the Day
PODPick of Destiny (Tenacious D movie/album/song)
PODPlan of Development (land development; various organizations)
PODPlace of Duty
PODPrince Of Darkness
PODPrevention of Depression (therapy)
PODPermission of the Department (various locations)
PODProgression of Disease
PODPot of Duality (Yu-Gi-Oh trading card)
PODProbability Of Detection
PODPaper on Demand (various organizations)
PODPlain Old Documentation (Perl)
PODPower on Demand (energy)
PODPlan Of the Day
PODPoint of Dispensing
PODPoint of Departure
PODProduction on Demand (manufacturing)
PODPeople and Organizational Development (various organizations)
PODPerformance Optimized Data (various organizations)
PODPing of Death
PODPortable on Demand
PODPacket of Disconnect
PODPrimary Output Device
PODPersonal Option Digital
PODPersonal Open Directory
PODPlay on Demand
PODPower on Diagnostics
PODPoint of Deployment
PODPublishing on Demand
PODPlain Old Data
PODPlain Old Documentation
PODPersonal on Demand
PODPoint of Difference
PODPostoperative Day
PODPoint of Distribution
PODPiece Of Data
PODPassed Out Drunk
PODPing of Death (type of hacking/network attack)
PODPublish on Demand
PODPort Of Debarkation
PODProper Orthogonal Decomposition
PODPerioral Dermatitis
PODProduction Operator Dashboard
PODPort of Discharge (shipping)
PODPost Office Department
PODPlain Old Data (programming, especially C++)
PODPoint-Of-Deployment (cable TV)
PODPoint of Deployment (module; television cable industry)
PODPoint of Divergence (alternate history)
PODPost Of Duty
PODPower of Darkness
PODProcessing of Data
PODPort of Departure
PODProblem of the Day
PODProof Of Deposit
PODPath Of Daggers
PODPacific Ocean Division (USACE)
PODPoint of Destination (navigation)
PODPayload Operations Director (US NASA)
PODProfessional Organizational Development (various organizations)
PODPay On Delivery
PODPrecise Orbit Determination
PODPoint of Development
PODPlain Old Document
PODPayment on Delivery
PODPoint of Discharge
PODPresbytery of Detroit (Michigan)
PODPouch of Douglas
PODPoint of Destruction (computer gaming clan)
PODParty of Death (book)
PODPhysician-Owned Distributorship
PODProgrammatorische Overheidsdienst
PODPlay on Demand (Line 6)
PODPelagic Organism Decline
PODPersonnel On Duty
PODProbability Of Damage
PODPay or Die (role playing game)
PODParts on Demand
PODPayload Operations Division (US NASA)
PODProof of Design
PODPool of Darkness (Dungeons & Dragons computer game)
PODPin on Disc
PODPlane of Disease (gaming)
PODPoint of Demarcation
PODPer Our Discussion
PODProtective Oceanic Device
PODParacetamol Overdose
PODPerception of Dyspnea (pulmonology)
PODPeacock Obsessive Disorder
PODPirated Optical Disc
PODPlayable on Death (band)
PODParent Of the Day
PODPriest of Discord (Everquest)
PODPeace Out Dawg
PODParachute Opening Device
PODPermissible Operating Distance
PODProcessor on Demand
PODPost Operation Day
PODPorpoise Detector (static acoustic monitoring instrument)
PODPendulum of Doom (World of Warcraft)
PODPhase Opposition Disposition
PODProtection on Demand
PODProject Overview Document
PODPost-Orgasmic Disgust
PODProof of Development
PODProduct of Desire (UK clothing company)
PODPost-Orgasmic Depression
PODProgrammable Option Devices
PODPlace of Dolphins (chat server)
PODProcess Oriented Description
PODPatient Own Drugs
PODPoint of Disconnection
PODPlanar Optical Display
PODPercent of Decrease
PODProcess Operational Diagram
PODPoint Of Destitution
PODProject Operations Director
PODPackage Outline Drawing
PODPast Over Dosed
PODPacket Over DSL
PODPlanar Orthogonal Drawing
PODPfeffer Outpatient Disability Scale
PODProgram Objectives Document (DCAA)
PODProgram Operation Description
PODProgrammer on Duty (help desk)
PODprotocol option device
PODPious or Overly Devotional (blog slang)
PODPerspectives of Difference
PODPost-Operation Debriefing
PODProgram Operational Date
PODPersonal Obligation Day
PODProcurement Office Desktop
PODPoint/Port of Delivery
PODPressure Operated Directional (valve)
PODPhase-Only Digitized
PODPersonal Operable Device
PODPersonnel Observation Device (surveillance camera)
PODProfit on Differences (investing)