POEMPrinciples of Emergency Management
POEMPlace of Effective Management (company residency)
POEMPeroral Endoscopic Myotomy (Medicine)
POEMPortable Object Oriented Entity Manager
POEMPatient-Oriented Evidence that Matters
POEMPortland Office of Emergency Management (Oregon)
POEMPhysical Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean
POEMPredictive Operator Exposure Model (UK)
POEMProfessional Organization of English Majors (Prairie Home Companion)
POEMPersistent Object Engine for Melati
POEMPlan, Organize, Execute, Monitor (project mnemonic)
POEMPolar-Orbiting Earth Mission (ESA)
POEMPortable Object-oriented Entity Manager
POEMPeripheral Original Equipment Manufacturer
POEMPolar Earth-Observation Mission
POEMProgrammable Object-centered EnvironMent