Acronym | Definition |
AIDE | Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment |
AIDE | Adaptive Integrated Driver Vehicle Interface |
AIDE | Ada Instant Development Environment |
AIDE | Adaptive Integrated Driver-vehicle Interface |
AIDE | Autonomic Integrated Development Environment (IBM) |
AIDE | Association Intercommunale pour le Démergement et l'Epuration (French: Intercommunal Association for Demerger and Purification; Belgium) |
AIDE | Agences Internationales pour le Développement (French) |
AIDE | Automated Intrusion Detection Environment |
AIDE | Association Internationale du Droit des Eaux (French) |
AIDE | Annie Interactive Development Environment |
AIDE | Automated Integrated Design Engineering |
AIDE | Air Induction/Diesel Exhaust |
AIDE | Automated Inventory Distribution and Exchange |
AIDE | Ada Integrated Development Environment |