PPOPreferred Provider Organization
PPOPhilippine Philharmonic Orchestra (est. 1973)
PPOPersonal Protection Order (law)
PPOPolice Provincial Office (Philippines)
PPOPre-Placement Offer (employment)
PPOPolyphenylene Oxide
PPOPowerbuilder Power Object
PPOPre Processor Output
PPOPersonal Protection Officer
PPOPakistan Post Office
PPOPolypropylene Oxide
PPOPlanetary Protection Officer (US NASA)
PPOPlant Protection Organization (Iran)
PPOPure Plantaardige Olie (Dutch: Pure Vegetable Oil)
PPOPublic Policy Office
PPOPension Payment Order (India)
PPOPédagogie par Objectifs (French: Teaching Objectives)
PPOPlease Pass On
PPOProfessional Photographers of Ontario
PPOProfessional Photographers of Oregon
PPOPersonal Property Office (US Navy)
PPOPlant PowerOps (software)
PPOPlymouth Philharmonic Orchestra (Plymouth, MA)
PPOPhysical Plant Office
PPOPublic Prosecutions Office (various locations)
PPOProfessional Photographers of Ohio
PPOPre-Production Operations
PPOProbation and Parole Officer
PPOPrior Permission Only
PPOProbationary Police Officer (NYPD)
PPOPilot/Payload Operator
PPOProlific & Other Priority Offenders (UK)
PPOProfessional Photographers of Oklahoma
PPOPollution Prevention Officer (Canada)
PPOPreliminary Protective Order
PPOProduct Process Organization
PPOPost Production Option (manufacturing add-on)
PPOProject Purchasing Officer
PPOParole and Probation Officer
PPOPartnership Project Office
PPOPostal Police Officer
PPOPupil Personnel Office (schools)
PPOPeninsula Pops Orchestra (San Francisco, CA)
PPOProgrammable Pulse Output
PPOPrincipal Period of Operation
PPOProposal Production Office
PPOPlease Piss Off
PPOPsychology and Public Opinion (International Association for Media and Communication Research)
PPOProgram Planning Objectives
PPOProjected Program Objective
PPOPermanently Pissed Off
PPOPersonal Performance Objective
PPOPublic Purchasing Offer