Acronym | Definition |
PPO | Preferred Provider Organization |
PPO | Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra (est. 1973) |
PPO | Personal Protection Order (law) |
PPO | Police Provincial Office (Philippines) |
PPO | Pre-Placement Offer (employment) |
PPO | Polyphenylene Oxide |
PPO | Powerbuilder Power Object |
PPO | Pre Processor Output |
PPO | Personal Protection Officer |
PPO | Pakistan Post Office |
PPO | Polypropylene Oxide |
PPO | Planetary Protection Officer (US NASA) |
PPO | Plant Protection Organization (Iran) |
PPO | Pure Plantaardige Olie (Dutch: Pure Vegetable Oil) |
PPO | Public Policy Office |
PPO | Pension Payment Order (India) |
PPO | Pédagogie par Objectifs (French: Teaching Objectives) |
PPO | Please Pass On |
PPO | Professional Photographers of Ontario |
PPO | Professional Photographers of Oregon |
PPO | Personal Property Office (US Navy) |
PPO | Plant PowerOps (software) |
PPO | Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra (Plymouth, MA) |
PPO | Physical Plant Office |
PPO | Public Prosecutions Office (various locations) |
PPO | Professional Photographers of Ohio |
PPO | Pre-Production Operations |
PPO | Probation and Parole Officer |
PPO | Prior Permission Only |
PPO | Probationary Police Officer (NYPD) |
PPO | Pilot/Payload Operator |
PPO | Prolific & Other Priority Offenders (UK) |
PPO | Professional Photographers of Oklahoma |
PPO | Pollution Prevention Officer (Canada) |
PPO | Preliminary Protective Order |
PPO | Product Process Organization |
PPO | Post Production Option (manufacturing add-on) |
PPO | Project Purchasing Officer |
PPO | Parole and Probation Officer |
PPO | Partnership Project Office |
PPO | Postal Police Officer |
PPO | Pupil Personnel Office (schools) |
PPO | Peninsula Pops Orchestra (San Francisco, CA) |
PPO | Programmable Pulse Output |
PPO | Principal Period of Operation |
PPO | Proposal Production Office |
PPO | Please Piss Off |
PPO | Psychology and Public Opinion (International Association for Media and Communication Research) |
PPO | Program Planning Objectives |
PPO | Projected Program Objective |
PPO | Permanently Pissed Off |
PPO | Personal Performance Objective |
PPO | Public Purchasing Offer |