Acronym | Definition |
PPS | PowerPoint Show (file extension) |
PPS | Pulses Per Second |
PPS | Post Post Script (an additional postscript) |
PPS | Prospective Payment System |
PPS | Points Per Shot (basketball statistic) |
PPS | Project for Public Spaces |
PPS | Pittsburgh Public Schools (Pennsylvania) |
PPS | Planning Policy Statement (UK government) |
PPS | Partido Popular Socialista (Socialist People's Party - Brazil) |
PPS | Post Polio Syndrome |
PPS | Public-Private Sector (various locations) |
PPS | Packets Per Second (X.25 Protocol) |
PPS | Personal Public Service (Ireland) |
PPS | Probability Proportional to Size |
PPS | Publiek-Private Samenwerking (Dutch: Public-Private Partnerships) |
PPS | Polyphenylene Sulfide |
PPS | Program Pasca Sarjana (Indonesian: Post-Graduate Program) |
PPS | Per Person Sharing (travel) |
PPS | Provincial Policy Statement (Canada) |
PPS | Parents for Public Schools |
PPS | Pay Per Sale |
PPS | Personal Protection System |
PPS | Patient Positioning System (healthcare) |
PPS | Purchasing Power Standard |
PPS | Parliamentary Private Secretary (UK) |
PPS | Partnership for Public Service |
PPS | Paint Preparation System (3M) |
PPS | Pedal Position Sensor (automotive) |
PPS | Projet Personnalisé de Scolarisation (French: Custom Schooling Project) |
PPS | Privacy Policy Statement |
PPS | Payment for Professional Services |
PPS | Polygons (Polys) Per Second |
PPS | Procurement for Public Sector (software) |
PPS | Per Protocol Set (population for biometrical analysis in clinical trials) |
PPS | Pulled Pork Sandwich |
PPS | Physical Protection System |
PPS | Precise Positioning Service (GPS) |
PPS | Power Point Slideshow |
PPS | Personal Proxy Server |
PPS | Pixel per Second |
PPS | Passwords per Second |
PPS | Programmable Pixel Shader |
PPS | Polygons per Second |
PPS | Phone Productivity Services |
PPS | Platinum Premier Support |
PPS | per Protocol Set |
PPS | Pulse per Second |
PPS | Power Personal Systems |
PPS | Peripheral Power Supply |
PPS | Perl Port Scanner |
PPS | Partner Product Support |
PPS | Prestige Performance Sedan |
PPS | per Pixel Shading |
PPS | Public Profile Service |
PPS | Packets per Second |
PPS | Power Protection System |
PPS | Peer to Peer Services |
PPS | Public Products Service |
PPS | Parent Packets |
PPS | Precise Positioning Service |
PPS | Price Per Share (stock market) |
PPS | Palestinian Prisoners Society |
PPS | Personal Protection Specialist |
PPS | Payroll Personnel System |
PPS | Parti du Progrès et du Socialisme (French: Party of Progress and Socialism, Morocco) |
PPS | Pawar Public School (India) |
PPS | Parallel Processing System |
PPS | Physical Plant Services |
PPS | Pictures Per Second |
PPS | Partido Pais Solidario (Paraguay) |
PPS | Plainfield Public Schools (Plainfield, NJ) |
PPS | Pacific Pulmonary Services (various locations) |
PPS | Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis |
PPS | Publiek Privaat Samenwerkingsverband (Dutch: Public Private Partnership) |
PPS | Performance Presentation Standards (investing) |
PPS | Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (Polish Socialist Party 1892-1937) |
PPS | Philadelphia Prison System |
PPS | Project Petaling Street (Malaysia) |
PPS | Pay-Performance Sensitivity (finance) |
PPS | Professional Process Servers |
PPS | Presse Programm Service (German media) |
PPS | Pistolet-Pulemyot Sudaeva (gun) |
PPS | Public Packet Switching |
PPS | Probability Proportionate to Size (sampling) |
PPS | Production Printing Systems (various locations) |
PPS | Palliative Performance Scale (patient classification system) |
PPS | Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome |
PPS | Principal Private Secretary (UK) |
PPS | Power Play Stats (hockey websites) |
PPS | Project Portfolio Selection |
PPS | Precise Positioning System |
PPS | Production Planning System |
PPS | Path Protection Switching (Alcatel) |
PPS | Philadelphia Public Schools (Philadelphia, PA) |
PPS | Power Producer and Supplier (Japan) |
PPS | Pre-Processing Switch |
PPS | Personal, Professional and Spiritual |
PPS | Public Private Support |
PPS | Payment by Phone Service |
PPS | Phase and Power Splitter |
PPS | Political Problem Solving |
PPS | Pulse Pairs Per Second |
PPS | Precision Positioning System |
PPS | Practical Problem Solving |
PPS | Photochemical Photobiological Sciences (journal) |
PPS | Parallel Port Standard (IEEE Std 1284-1994) |
PPS | Pinewood Preparatory School (South Carolina Private School) |
PPS | Priority Parcel Service (American Airlines) |
PPS | Payment Protection System (Digital Courier Technologies Inc.) |
PPS | Public Perception Survey (various locations) |
PPS | Precipitation Processing System |
PPS | Post-Production Support |
PPS | Post Phlebitic Syndrome |
PPS | Production Packer Setting (wells) |
PPS | Pain-Producing Substance |
PPS | Physician Placement Services (various locations) |
PPS | Permanent Private Secretary |
PPS | Priority Passenger Service (Singapore Airlines) |
PPS | Public Prison Service (New Zealand) |
PPS | Protocols, Ports, and Services |
PPS | Practitioner Priority Service |
PPS | People Process System (various companies) |
PPS | Personal Paging System |
PPS | Professional Practice Systems, Inc. (software design company) |
PPS | Plant Protection System |
PPS | Primary Protection System |
PPS | Ports Protocols and Services (US Military) |
PPS | Patient Placement Systems (Alpharetta, GA) |
PPS | Personal Proxy Service |
PPS | Pre-Production Sample |
PPS | Puerto Princesa, Philippines - Puerto Princesa (Airport Code) |
PPS | Plagiarism Prevention Service (education software; Turnitin) |
PPS | Para Para Sakura (movie) |
PPS | Produktionsplanung und Steuerungssysteme (German: Production Planning and Control) |
PPS | Pre-Positioned Site |
PPS | Printer/Plotter System |
PPS | Polynomial Phase Signal |
PPS | Palmer Pursuit Shop (paintball manufacturer) |
PPS | Post Postscriptum |
PPS | Potterville Public Schools (Potterville, MI) |
PPS | Pisces-Perseus Supercluster |
PPS | Power Point System (Computer) |
PPS | Provisioning Performance Schedule |
PPS | Punggol Primary School (Singapore) |
PPS | Precise Punched-Slot (drilling) |
PPS | Protocol and Parameter Select (response to Answer To Reset; 3GPP) |
PPS | Pro Player Stadium (Miami, FL, USA) |
PPS | Peiying Primary School (Singapore) |
PPS | Protein and Peptide Science |
PPS | Pandan Primary School (Singapore) |
PPS | Preston Para Soccer (UK) |
PPS | Primary Power System |
PPS | Program Performance Specification |
PPS | Page Private School |
PPS | Price Per Seat (contractual service agreement) |
PPS | Pre-Paid System |
PPS | Project Prioritization System (US Army Installation Management Agency) |
PPS | Permanent Personnel Services Pte Ltd (Singapore) |
PPS | Priority Placement Program |
PPS | Power Pilot Scholarship (Canada, Air Cadet Course) |
PPS | Payload Pointing System |
PPS | Product Performance Specification |
PPS | Planning and Preparation Services (LDSS) |
PPS | Parry Primary School (Singapore) |
PPS | Photonic Packet Switch |
PPS | Programming Procedures and Standards |
PPS | Plastic Paint Solutions |
PPS | Proposal Pricing System |
PPS | Program Performance Schedule |
PPS | Performance Power Score |
PPS | Pet Passport System |
PPS | Particles Per Set |
PPS | Pre-Production Shop (development) |
PPS | Primary Power Source/Supply |
PPS | Program Planner/Scheduler |
PPS | Pharmacy Performance System |
PPS | Pinnacle Professional Services Ltd (UK) |
PPS | Peixin Primary School (Singapore) |
PPS | Project Program Sponsor |
PPS | Partial Prefix Synchronizable |
PPS | Pitch Plane Scan |
PPS | Post-Partum Sterilization |
PPS | Pioneer Primary School Singapore) |
PPS | Prakash Parcel Services (India) |
PPS | Pulse Processing Subsystem |
PPS | Program Product Specification |
PPS | Program Protection Survey(s) |
PPS | Pakistan Physiology Society |
PPS | Positional Processing System |
PPS | Peace and Public Service (Sri Lanka) |
PPS | Primary Product Server |
PPS | Performance Probability Score (stock ranking methodology) |
PPS | Preferred Pharmacy Solutions, LLC (Haverhill, MA) |
PPS | Pharmacotherapy Prescribing Service |