Acronym | Definition |
APCC | Armoured Personnel Carrier |
APCC | Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee (Andhra Pradesh State, India) |
APCC | American Power Conversion Corporation |
APCC | Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) |
APCC | Asia Pacific Conference on Communications |
APCC | Association of Professional Computer Consultants |
APCC | American Public Communications Council |
APCC | Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) |
APCC | Association for the Preservation of Cape Cod |
APCC | Academic Programs and Curriculum Committee (various schools) |
APCC | Association of Professional Communication Consultants |
APCC | Australian Procurement and Construction Council, Inc. |
APCC | Adjusted Per Capita Cost |
APCC | Aerial Port Control Center |
APCC | Asia Pacific Customer Centre |
APCC | Association pour la Promotion de la Course Croisière (French: Association for the Promotion of the Sailing Race) |
APCC | Alternate Processing and Correlation Center |
APCC | Alternate Processing Correlation Center |
APCC | Advanced Pod Control Computer |
APCC | Algebraically Punctured Cyclic Code |
APCC | ATCCS Program Control Center |
APCC | Association Professionnelle des Courtiers de Crédits (French: Professional Association of Credit Brokers; Belgium) |