PWBPrinted Wiring Board
PWBPsychological Warfare Branch (Allied Forces Headquarters; US and UK)
PWBPublic Web Browser
PWBPower Bus
PWBPrinted Wire Board
PWBProgrammer'S Workbench
PWBPrinceton Weekly Bulletin (Princeton University; Princeton, NJ)
PWBPersonal Well Being
PWBPositive Well-Being (psychology)
PWBPartial Weight Bearing
PWBProgrammers Work Bench
PWBPicture Window Books (children's publishing)
PWBProduction Wing Block (energy production)
PWBPreset White Balance (cameras)
PWBPositively Wellington Business (Wellington, New Zealand)
PWBPrestigious West Bloomington (Bloomington, MN)
PWBPerformers Without Borders
PWBPlease Write Back
PWBPartnership with Business (Future Business Leaders of America)
PWBParaffin Wax Bath
PWBPlanning Work Bench (Bellcore)
PWBPulling Whaleboat (US Navy)