Acronym | Definition |
PM | Prime Minister |
PM | Personal Message (IRC) |
PM | Particulate Matter |
PM | Postmaster |
PM | Postmortem |
PM | St. Pierre and Miquelon (ISO country code, top level domain name) |
PM | Postmistress |
PM | Past Master |
PM | Provost Marshal |
PM | Post Meridiem (period from noon to midnight) |
PM | Police Magistrate |
PM | Pour Memoir (French: For Memory; response to RSVP) |
PM | Panama |
PM | Power Management |
PM | Per Month |
PM | Private Message |
PM | PERL Module |
PM | Project Management |
PM | Project Manager |
PM | Pain Management |
PM | Price Match |
PM | Plus Minus (hockey goals scored while player on/off ice) |
PM | Performance Monitoring |
PM | Paul McCartney (musician) |
PM | Property Manager |
PM | Product Manager |
PM | Process Management |
PM | Program Manager |
PM | Post Malone (music) |
PM | Paramedic |
PM | Precious Metals |
PM | Performance Management |
PM | Principles of Medicine |
PM | Performance Measurement |
PM | Power Macintosh (Apple) |
PM | PacMan |
PM | Phillip Morris |
PM | Perpetual Motion |
PM | Priority Mail (USPS) |
PM | Pacemaker |
PM | Preventive Medicine |
PM | Preventative Maintenance |
PM | Portfolio Manager |
PM | Preventive Maintenance |
PM | Maximum Power |
PM | Palma de Mallorca (Spain) |
PM | Production Manager |
PM | Practice Management |
PM | Primeiro-Ministro (Portugal) |
PM | Push Me |
PM | Perry Meridian (High School) |
PM | Prime Mover |
PM | Pocket Monsters (Pokémon) |
PM | Plasma Membrane (lipid bilayer) |
PM | Power Monitoring |
PM | Paramagnetic |
PM | Process Model |
PM | Permanent Magnet |
PM | Police Misconduct |
PM | Performance Meeting |
PM | Popular Mechanics (magazine) |
PM | Pipe Major |
PM | Production Management |
PM | Policy Manual |
PM | Personal Mobility (various meanings) |
PM | Precautionary Measure |
PM | Procedures Manual |
PM | Personnel Manager |
PM | Permanent Memory |
PM | Paymaster |
PM | Paper Mario (N64 game) |
PM | Princess Mononoke |
PM | Powder Metallurgy |
PM | Printed Matter |
PM | Project M (gaming) |
PM | Planned Maintenance |
PM | Perfect Money (Internet payment system; Panama) |
PM | Play Money |
PM | Power Module |
PM | Palliative Medicine |
PM | Phantom Menace (Star Wars) |
PM | Production Model |
PM | Policia Militar |
PM | Pattern Matching |
PM | Purchasing Manager |
PM | Pubblico Ministero (Italian: Public Prosecutor) |
PM | PageMaker (Adobe software) |
PM | Procurement Manager |
PM | Prime Meridian (zero longitude) |
PM | Prime Meridian (magazine) |
PM | Periodic Maintenance |
PM | Psychosomatic Medicine |
PM | Participating Member (various organizations) |
PM | Political Military |
PM | Pulp Mill |
PM | Premier Ministre (French: Prime Minister; various nations) |
PM | Penalty Minutes (hockey) |
PM | Problem Management |
PM | Photographic Memory |
PM | Paul Murphy (property manager; UK) |
PM | Pentium M (Intel processor) |
PM | Phase Modulation |
PM | Promethium |
PM | Patriot Missile |
PM | Paper Machine |
PM | Probability of Mutation (genetic algorithms) |
PM | Program Memory |
PM | Phone Me |
PM | Pharmacy Manager |
PM | Polarization-Maintaining (fiber optics) |
PM | Purpose-Made |
PM | Pressure Meter |
PM | Pre-Menstrual |
PM | Primary Mirror (telescopes) |
PM | Pulse Modulation |
PM | Payload Module |
PM | Prototype Model (engineering) |
PM | Production Meeting |
PM | Pure Math |
PM | Plumbing & Mechanical (Mesa, AZ) |
PM | Patternmaker (USN Rating) |
PM | Powerlifting Motivation |
PM | Project Master |
PM | PlayMemories (software; Sony) |
PM | Penton Media (New York, NY) |
PM | Patient Movement (US DoD) |
PM | Polymyositis (Immune disease causing muscle inflammation) |
PM | Particle-Mesh |
PM | Palm Mute (guitar technique) |
PM | Planning Module |
PM | Principal Manager (various companies) |
PM | Perception Management (corporate communications) |
PM | Philippine Marine (indigenous Marine in the Philippines) |
PM | Person Months (work measurement) |
PM | Pitchfork Media |
PM | Sisters of the Presentation of Mary (religious order) |
PM | Peoplemover |
PM | People Meter |
PM | Provost Marshall (US DoD) |
PM | Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (US DoD) |
PM | Presentation Manager (OS/2) |
PM | PartitionMagic (PowerQuest) |
PM | Peso Mexicano (Mexican Peso) |
PM | Peritoneal Metastasis |
PM | Privilege Management (IT, middleware; networking) |
PM | Progressive Maintenance |
PM | Pilot Monitoring |
PM | Pons-Medulla |
PM | Program Memorandum |
PM | Propulsion Module |
PM | Progressive Majority |
PM | Picometer |
PM | Pour Mémoire (French: for the record) |
PM | Polymer Morphology |
PM | Project Memo |
PM | Push Money |
PM | Planar Map |
PM | Platform Model (Object Management Group) |
PM | Purulent Meningitis |
PM | Pontifex Maximus |
PM | Properties Master (theatre) |
PM | Prototyping Methodology |
PM | Preparative Meeting (Quaker religion) |
PM | Puppymill |
PM | Pedometrics |
PM | Power Mirror |
PM | Proposed Monitor |
PM | Pressurized Module |
PM | Protocol Machine |
PM | Playmore Corporation (Japan) |
PM | Production Manifold (oil and gas drilling) |
PM | Photo Multiplier |
PM | Plaza Miranda (Philippines) |
PM | Police Militaire (French: Military Police) |
PM | Platinum Medallion (Delta Sky Miles) |
PM | PERL Monk |
PM | Passage Material (US DoD) |
PM | Performance Margin |
PM | Preço de Mercado (Portuguese: Market Price) |
PM | Peritrophic Matrix (biology) |
PM | Pistolet Mitrailleur (French: Machine Gun) |
PM | Purchase Memorandum |
PM | Pohjoismaiden Mestaruus (Finnish: Nordic Championship) |
PM | Petameter (10 E^15, one quadrillion meters) |
PM | Passmonster (security software) |
PM | Plant Miscellaneous |
PM | Parallel Track Multiunit (US DoD) |
PM | Précompte Mobilier (French) |
PM | Pressure Multiplier |
PM | Processable Mode |
PM | Project Missionary |
PM | Peter Moosleitner's Magazin (German science magazine) |
PM | Pronto Mezcla (Guatemala concrete dispencer business) |
PM | Pulpomesial |
PM | Proto-Manenguba |