Acronym | Definition |
PMB | Pietermaritzburg (South Africa) |
PMB | Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru (Indonesian: New Student Registration) |
PMB | Private Message Board |
PMB | Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti (Romanian: Bucharest City Hall) |
PMB | Picture Motion Browser (software) |
PMB | Print Measurement Bureau |
PMB | Physics in Medicine and Biology (journal published by the Institute of Physics) |
PMB | Polymer Modified Bitumen |
PMB | Plant and Microbial Biology |
PMB | Postal Mail Box |
PMB | Performance Measurement Baseline |
PMB | Private Mail Box |
PMB | Picture Motion Browser |
PMB | Performance Management Board (various organizations) |
PMB | Pat McGee Band |
PMB | Program Management Board |
PMB | Private Mailbox |
PMB | Private Mail Box (non-USPS) |
PMB | Private Mortgage Banking |
PMB | Prescribed Minimum Benefits (healthcare) |
PMB | Project Management Branch |
PMB | Pos Malaysia Bhd (postal service) |
PMB | Panther Marching Band (University of Northern Iowa) |
PMB | Point Mort Bas (French: Bottom Dead Center; mechanical engineering) |
PMB | Potato Marketing Board |
PMB | Property Management Branch |
PMB | pack my bags |
PMB | Post Menopausal Bleeding |
PMB | Pink Mealy Bug |
PMB | Picture Me Broken (band) |
PMB | Project Message Board (web sites) |
PMB | Port and Maritime Board (Hong Kong) |
PMB | Product Marketing Bulletin (various organizations) |
PMB | Private Merchant Banker |
PMB | Pilot-Make-Busy |
PMB | Potential Monetary Benefit |
PMB | Processes & Modeling Branch (US EPA) |
PMB | Personnel Management Branch |
PMB | Propulsion Management Board |
PMB | Please Mail Back |
PMB | Pepper Marketing Board Malaysia |
PMB | Phoenix Movie Bears (Phoenix, AZ) |
PMB | Program Management Baseline |
PMB | Pacific Marine Batteries (Australia) |
PMB | Parking Management Bureau (Turlock, CA) |
PMB | Position Management Board |
PMB | Perfectly-Matched Boundary |
PMB | Polymorphonuclear Basophil Leukocytes |
PMB | Program Milestone Baseline |
PMB | Portfolio Management Board |
PMB | Prison Motorcycle Brotherhood (white prison gang) |
PMB | Possession of A Malt Beverage (underage drinking) |
PMB | Precast Modular Block |
PMB | Premessage Bit |
PMB | Pokey Means Business (EarthBound song) |
PMB | Pando Media Booster (software) |
PMB | Poly Modified Bitumen |