PWIPro Wrestling Illustrated (magazine)
PWIPro Wrestling Iron
PWIPerfusion-Weighted Imaging (application of magnetic resonance imaging)
PWIProjects with Industry
PWIPenson Worldwide, Inc. (various locations)
PWIPermanent Way Institution
PWIProduced Water Injection (oilfield technology)
PWIPerfect World International (gaming)
PWIPacific WebWorks, Inc. (Salt Lake City, UT)
PWIPartnerships with Industry (San Diego, CA)
PWIParenting with Intention
PWIPanhandle Windstorm Inspections (Tallahassee, FL)
PWIPosting While Intoxicated
PWIPredominantly-White Institution
PWIPublic Windows Interface
PWIPublic Waters Inventory
PWIPiedmont Wilderness Institute (South Carolina)
PWIPure Worldwide Internet
PWIProximity Warning Indicator (aviation)
PWIPower Indication
PWIPeople Web International (est. 2009)
PWIPicasa Webalbum Integrator (web tool)
PWIPacific Wellness Institute (Toronto, ON, Canada)
PWIPolar Plasma Wave Investigation
PWIProcessWise Integrator
PWIPrimarily White Institution
PWIPotable Water Intake
PWIEO Paton Electric Welding Institute (Kiev, Ukraine)
PWIProcess Work Instruction
PWIPilot Warning Indicator
PWIPlutonium Waste Incinerator (SRS)
PWIProWrestling Insider
PWIPaid When Incurred
PWIPulse-Width Inspection
PWIProduct Waste Indicator