Acronym | Definition |
RA | Rental Agreement |
RA | Resident Assistant |
RA | Resident Advisor |
RA | Research Article |
RA | Registration Authority |
RA | Republic Act (Philippines) |
RA | Royal Academy |
RA | Return Authorization |
RA | Risk Assessment |
RA | Right Ascension (astronomy) |
RA | Risk Analysis |
RA | Red Alert |
RA | Rise Against (band) |
RA | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
RA | Remote Access |
RA | Rain (aviation meteorology) |
RA | Regional Association |
RA | Rapport |
RA | Research Associate |
RA | Ravenna (Emilia Romagna, Italy) |
RA | Radium |
RA | Return Address (register) |
RA | Rechtsanwalt (German: attorney) |
RA | Room Air |
RA | Regulatory Affairs |
RA | Random Access |
RA | Red Alert (computer game) |
RA | Regulatory Authority |
RA | Republic of Armenia |
RA | Royal Artillery |
RA | Reserve Affairs |
RA | Residents' Association |
RA | Ram-Air (General Motors) |
RA | Right Atrium (heart chamber) |
RA | Radon |
RA | Range Anxiety |
RA | Remedial Action |
RA | Realidad Aumentada (Spanish: Augmented Reality) |
RA | Reliability Analysis |
RA | Research Announcement |
RA | Requirements Analysis |
RA | Removal Action |
RA | Remote Agent |
RA | Reasonable Accommodation |
RA | Red Army (WWII Soviet army) |
RA | Red Army (counterstrike gaming clan) |
RA | Return Air (HVAC) |
RA | Ray Allen (basketball player) |
RA | Registered Architect |
RA | Rural Area (terrain type) |
RA | Revenue Authority (various locations) |
RA | Resource Allocation |
RA | Reconnaissance Aircraft |
RA | Regional Administrator |
RA | Radio Australia |
RA | República Argentina |
RA | Remittance Advice |
RA | Range Area |
RA | Record Attempt |
RA | Royal Ambassadors |
RA | Representative Assembly (various organizations) |
RA | Router Advertisement (Message) |
RA | Regular Army |
RA | Rainforest Alliance |
RA | Remington Arms (ammunition headstamp) |
RA | Rankine |
RA | Ready Access |
RA | Royal Arch (Masons) |
RA | Rear Admiral |
RA | Realtor Associate |
RA | Radial Artery |
RA | Roman Army |
RA | Running Account (billing; various companies) |
RA | Radio Access |
RA | Rapid Access |
RA | Refractory Anemia (blood disorder) |
RA | Read Ahead |
RA | Remote Assistance |
RA | Regional Anesthesia |
RA | Ruthless Aggression |
RA | Right Aft |
RA | Restricted Areas |
RA | Reasonable Alternative |
RA | Roald Amundsen (1st explorer to reach the South Pole) |
RA | Royal Nepal Airlines (IATA airline code) |
RA | Rebel Alliance (Star Wars) |
RA | Irish Republican Army |
RA | Repair Authorization |
RA | Rehabilitation Act of 1973 |
RA | Random Allocation |
RA | Ramblers Association (UK) |
RA | Réalité Augmentée (French: Augmented Reality) |
RA | Recursion Available (computing) |
RA | Radiocommunications Agency (within DTI) |
RA | Recruiting Associate (various organizations) |
RA | Requiring Activity (US DoD) |
RA | Radar Altimeter |
RA | Resolution Advisory (air traffic warning) |
RA | Robust Nucleus of the Archistriatum |
RA | Rabbinical Assembly |
RA | Resident Agent |
RA | Rocket Arena (gaming site) |
RA | Radiological Assessment |
RA | Regulatory Analysis (environment) |
RA | Rate of Appearance |
RA | Relationship Anarchy |
RA | Responsible Authorities |
RA | Roughness Average (Surface texture of materials) |
RA | Revenue Account (UK) |
RA | Radio Altimeter |
RA | Rate-Adaptive |
RA | Readiness Assessment (various organizations) |
RA | RealAudio File (proprietary streaming audio compression format, Real Networks) |
RA | Rate Adaptation |
RA | Rationalist Association (UK) |
RA | Registration Agent (SIF) |
RA | Realm Ability (Dark Age of Camelot on-line game) |
RA | Red Armor (gaming) |
RA | Relational Aggression (psychology) |
RA | Rear Area |
RA | Radio Authority (UK) |
RA | Reimbursable Agreement |
RA | revenue analysis |
RA | Regia Aeronautica (Italian Royal Air Force) |
RA | Radiographic Absorptiometry (bone density calculation using a hand X-ray and a small metal wedge) |
RA | Recovery Assistance (Program; Ohio) |
RA | Routing Arbiter |
RA | Relay Access |
RA | Radiocommunication Assembly |
RA | Règlement d'Application (French: Rules Compliance; various organizations) |
RA | Reduction in Area |
RA | Rate Area (NANPA) |
RA | Resource Advisor |
RA | Roaming Agreement |
RA | Rubberized Asphalt |
RA | Resource Analyst |
RA | Regular Appointment |
RA | Registered Aromatherapist (professional certification) |
RA | Remote Adapter |
RA | Remembrance Agent (computer program) |
RA | Radiallahu Anhu (companions of Prophet Mohammed) |
RA | Requested Article (Wikimedia Foundation) |
RA | Red Armour (Quake) |
RA | Recoveries Anonymous (Twelve Step Fellowship) |
RA | Rescue Aid (emergency communications) |
RA | Resident Auditor |
RA | Ration Allowance |
RA | Ready Alert |
RA | Regional Associate |
RA | Requesting Activity (CEFMS) |
RA | Reduction Area |
RA | Reattack |
RA | Recorded Achievement ( Australian academics) |
RA | Restricted Article |
RA | Resident Administrator |
RA | Regulatory Alternative |
RA | Radiocommunication Act |
RA | Robot Aircraft |
RA | Runs Allowed per 9 Innings (baseball; like ERA, but with unearned runs also) |
RA | Run Aggressive (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al) |
RA | Reimbursement Authorization |
RA | Retribution Aura (gaming, World of Warcraft) |
RA | Ripple Adder |
RA | Postal Tax Stamp (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
RA | Red Armageddon (gaming clan) |
RA | Repeat and Accumulate (type codes) |
RA | Ready Analog |
RA | Restricted Artistic (movie rating) |
RA | Reinforced Alert |
RA | Responsable d'Activités (French: Head of Activities) |
RA | Règle Administrative (French: Administrative Rule; various organizations) |
RA | Roundhead Association (historical reenactment group) |
RA | Router Arbiter |
RA | reduced ameloblasts |
RA | Raufoss Ammunition (Norwegian ammunition headstamp) |
RA | Record Auditing |
RA | Research Assistant/ship |
RA | Radiology Assembly of Medical Group Management Association |
RA | Rupture Adhésive (French: Adhesive Break; construction) |
RA | Resident Archive |
RA | Recruit Alliance |
RA | Earned Run Average Plus (arcane baseball statistic; used to measure pitching dominance versus the league) |
RA | Registraramerica (domain name registrar) |
RA | Review/Requiring Activity |
RA | Resynchronize Acknowledgement (ITU-T) |
RA | Route Analysis CSCI |
RA | Résiliable Annuellement (French: Annually Terminable; insurance) |
RA | Routing Area Identifier Within Routing Domain (TMN) |
RA | Religious of the Assumption (France) (religious order) |