Acronym | Definition |
PHR | Professional in Human Resources |
PHR | Personal Health Record |
PHR | Physicians for Human Rights |
PHR | Partnerships for Health Reform |
PHR | Pitch, Hit and Run (children's baseball competition) |
PHR | Principality of Hutt River (micronation; Australia) |
PHR | Professional Healthcare Resources (various locations) |
PHR | Public Health Reports |
PHR | Patient Health Records |
PHR | Phrygian (linguistics) |
PHR | Payroll, Human Resources |
PHR | Presse Hebdomadaire Régionale |
PHR | Paedagogische Hochschule Rorschach (Swiss university) |
PHR | Public Health Region (Texas) |
PHR | Peak Heart Rate |
PHR | Profession of Human Resources |
PHR | Parts per Hundred of Rubber |
PHR | Passband Hermitian Reconstruction |
PHR | Performance Horse Registry, Inc. |
PHR | Potential Health Risk |
PHR | Preliminary Hazard Review |
PHR | Poverty Headcount Ratio |