APCEAgence pour la Creation d'Entreprise (French)
APCEAssociation of Presbyterian Church Educators
APCEAssociation pour le Couple et l'Enfant (French: Association for the Couple and Child)
APCEAir Pollution Control Equipment
APCEAffinity Probe Capillary Electrophoresis
APCEAsociación Permanente de Cultura Ecologica (Permanent Association of Ecological Culture, Guatemala)
APCEAssemblée Parlamentaire du Conseil de l'Europe (French)
APCEAssociazione per la Protezione delle Corrosioni Elettrolitiche (Italian)
APCEAutomated Program Control Environment
APCEAutomated Product Control Environment
APCEAssociation of Private Christian Educators
APCEAsk, Pause, Call, Evaluate (student questioning method; US Army)