Acronym | Definition |
OTE | On the Edge |
OTE | Off Topic Experiment |
OTE | Operating to Endanger (motor vehicle law; Massachusetts) |
OTE | Over the Edge (game/movie) |
OTE | Opportunity to Earn |
OTE | On-Target Earnings |
OTE | Off Tackle Empire (football blog) |
OTE | Ordinary Time Earnings |
OTE | Open Transaction Environment (IBM mainframes CICS) |
OTE | Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation (Greece) |
OTE | Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (water and wastewater treatment) |
OTE | Optical Telescope Element |
OTE | Optical Terminal Enclosure (various companies) |
OTE | Oberon Theatre Ensemble (New York) |
OTE | Open Translation Engine |
OTE | Office of Training and Education |
OTE | One Time Exception |
OTE | Organization for Timeshare in Europe |
OTE | Office of Technology Evaluation |
OTE | Over Track Exhaust (transportation ventilation system) |
OTE | Overtaken by Events |
OTE | Operational Test & Evaluation |
OTE | Onward to Excellence (school improvement process/program) |
OTE | Omron Taiwan Electronics, Inc. |
OTE | Open Trade Equity |
OTE | Orbital Tissue Expander (ophthalmology) |
OTE | Optically Transparent Electrode |
OTE | OceanTech Expo |
OTE | Options Through Education (Boston College) |
OTE | Office of Transportation Economics (California) |
OTE | Operational Test Environment |
OTE | Off Track Excursion (auto racing) |
OTE | Observing Time Estimator |
OTE | Operator Training Equipment |
OTE | Overtime Equalization |
OTE | Oman Trading Establishment LLC |
OTE | Organismos Tilepikinonion Ellados AE (Greek: Hellenic Telecommunications Organization) |
OTE | Operator Training and Evaluation |
OTE | Office des Tunisiens al'Etranger |
OTE | Onset of Thermal Excursion |
OTE | Ottoman-Turk Empire |
OTE | Own-Ship Trajectory Estimator |
OTE | One Task Extension |
OTE | Owner's Trust Equity (financial modelling) |
OTE | Output Energized (PLC programming) |
OTE | Overall Total Earnings |