SDGSudanese Pound (currency)
SDGSustainable Development Goal (various organizations)
SDGSoli Deo Gloria (Latin: To God Alone the Glory)
SDGSiding (railways)
SDGSagittarius Dwarf Galaxy (astronomy)
SDGSoftware Development Governance
SDGStrategic Decisions Group
SDGSchool Development Grant (various organizations)
SDGSecoisolariciresinol Diglycoside (the main lignan in flaxseed)
SDGSo Damn Good
SDGSteer Davies Gleave (UK consultancy firm)
SDGSpencer Davis Group (band)
SDGShort Duration Grazing
SDGSoftware Development Group (NCSA)
SDGSupplier Development Group (various locations)
SDGSacred Dance Guild (Severna Park, MD)
SDGStormont, Dundas & Glengarry (United Counties, ON)
SDGSystem Design Group
SDGSystem Dependence Graph
SDGSuper Duper Games (various meanings)
SDGSample Delivery Group
SDGScreen Directors Guild
SDGSuper Dragon Gem (Conquer Online)
SDGSpiegel Design Group (Los Angeles, CA)
SDGSigned Directed Graph
SDGSaratoga Drama Group (California community theater)
SDGSuperior Defender Gundam (anime)
SDGSteel Deck Girder (engineering)
SDGSapporo Designer Gakuin (Sapporo, Japan)
SDGSubjective Difference Grade
SDGSingle Digit Great
SDGStandby Diesel Generator (emergency bus power, nuclear power)
SDGGeometric Standard Deviation
SDGSingle Digit Good (flash game FFR or Stepmania)
SDGSoil Density Gauge
SDGSlightly Decomposed Granite
SDGSAS Data Group
SDGSpeed Defies Gravity Motors Inc. (Santa Ana, CA)
SDGStandard Design Guide
SDGSindrome do Dedo Gordo (Brazil)
SDGSubmarine Development Group
SDGSrpska Dobrovojacka Garda (Serbian Volunteer Guard)
SDGSupervisión Dirección General (Guatemala police supervision)
SDGSynthesis Design Group, Inc. (est. 2003)