Acronym | Definition |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization |
PSO | Phantasy Star Online |
PSO | Pakistan State Oil |
PSO | psoriasis |
PSO | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome |
PSO | Penalty Shoot-Out (football / soccer) |
PSO | Pressure Shut Off |
PSO | Patient Safety Organization (Rockville, MD) |
PSO | Phone Sex Operator |
PSO | Power System Operator (various locations) |
PSO | Peace and Stability Operations (US Army) |
PSO | Princeton Symphony Orchestra (Princeton, NJ) |
PSO | Portland Symphony Orchestra (since 1923; Portland, Maine) |
PSO | Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy (neurosurgery) |
PSO | Provisioning Service Object |
PSO | Progressive Scan Output |
PSO | Plastic Small Outline Package |
PSO | Photo Studio Optimizer |
PSO | Peace Support Operation |
PSO | Public Service Obligation (chiefly European) |
PSO | Parent Support Organization |
PSO | Port Security Officer |
PSO | Prozess Standard Offsetdruck (German: Process Standard Offset) |
PSO | Pre-Service Orientation (various organizations) |
PSO | Principal Scientific Officer |
PSO | Professional Services Organization |
PSO | Protected Species Observer |
PSO | Public Safety Officer |
PSO | Project Support Office (project management) |
PSO | Provider Sponsored Organization |
PSO | Professional Staff Organization (various organizations) |
PSO | Provincial Sport Organization (Canada) |
PSO | Post Security Officer (US DoD) |
PSO | Prohibited Steps Order (UK court order) |
PSO | Protocol Supporting Organization (ETSI, IETF, ITU, W3C Consortium) |
PSO | Proprietary Security Officer (various companies) |
PSO | Philips Symfonie Orkest (Dutch: Philips Symphony Orchestra) |
PSO | Poker Source Online (gambling) |
PSO | Product Support Office |
PSO | Policy Support Officer (various locations) |
PSO | Political Science Organization (various locations) |
PSO | Public Service of Oklahoma |
PSO | Private Sector Operator |
PSO | Personal Service Organization |
PSO | Post Secondary Option (education) |
PSO | Product and Service Offer |
PSO | Program Secretarial Officer |
PSO | Password Settings Object |
PSO | Processing Services Operation (Sprint) |
PSO | Peoria Symphony Orchestra (Illinois) |
PSO | Partner Solution Offering (Dell) |
PSO | Partnership for Sustainable Oceans |
PSO | Provisioning Service Object (computing) |
PSO | Pantex Site Office (Amarillo, TX) |
PSO | Prep Sports Online (high school sports websites) |
PSO | Process Sign-Off |
PSO | PlayStationOne |
PSO | Parcel Shipping Order (various companies) |
PSO | Paralegal Society of Ontario |
PSO | Pasto, Colombia - Cano (Airport Code) |
PSO | Participating Standards Organization |
PSO | Publicity Security Officer (US Navy) |
PSO | Piano-Shaped Object (shoddily made or badly damaged piano) |
PSO | Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra (Portsmouth, OH) |
PSO | Procurement Support Office |
PSO | Pembroke Symphony Orchestra (Canada) |
PSO | Peter Skene Ogden Secondary (school) |
PSO | Production Sign Off |
PSO | Plan de Sécurité Opérateur (French: Safety Plan Operator) |
PSO | Permanent Slow Order (railway) |
PSO | Project Safety Officer |
PSO | Primary Strike Objective |
PSO | (Washington, DC lobby) |
PSO | Primary Standardization Office |
PSO | Practice/Study/Observation (various universities) |
PSO | Program Staff Office/Officer |
PSO | Provisions Supply Office |
PSO | Preliminary Screening Officer |
PSO | Possible Survivable Options |
PSO | Project Step Off |
PSO | Payload Sensor Operator |
PSO | Proud Social Outcast |
PSO | Policy Service Office (insurance) |
PSO | Primary Support Official |
PSO | Plan for Safe Operation |
PSO | Parma Symphony Orchestra (Parma, OH) |
PSO | Polysporin Ointment |