Acronym | Definition |
PSP | PlayStation Portable (Sony) |
PSP | Paint Shop Pro (Corel Corp) |
PSP | Personal Software Process |
PSP | Playstation Plus |
PSP | Personality and Social Psychology |
PSP | Puget Sound Partnership (Olympia, WA) |
PSP | Pennsylvania State Police |
PSP | Phi Sigma Pi |
PSP | Physical Security Professional (American Society for Industrial Security) |
PSP | Princeton Series in Physics (Princeton University; Princeton, NJ) |
PSP | Progressive Supranuclear Palsy |
PSP | Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning |
PSP | Performance Service Plan (product service plan offered at Best Buy stores) |
PSP | Pet Supplies Plus (various locations) |
PSP | Photostimulable Phosphor (imaging) |
PSP | Power Steering Pump (automobiles) |
PSP | Professional Service Provider |
PSP | Progress Singapore Party (Singapore) |
PSP | Policy Support Programme (Information and Communication Technologies; EU) |
PSP | Payment Service Provider |
PSP | Product Service Plan |
PSP | Personnel Support Programs |
PSP | Public Service Program (various organizations) |
PSP | Private Sector Participation |
PSP | Performance Share Plan |
PSP | Public Sphere Project (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility) |
PSP | Polícia de Segurança Pública (Portugal) |
PSP | Pre-Employment Screening Program (various organizations) |
PSP | Precinct Structure Plan (Australia) |
PSP | People's Socialist Party (various locations) |
PSP | PL/SQL Server Pages (Oracle) |
PSP | Patient Safety Practices |
PSP | Personal Security Professional |
PSP | Proliant Support Pack |
PSP | Paint Shop Pro |
PSP | Pit Signal Processing |
PSP | Play Station Portable |
PSP | Physical Security Professional |
PSP | Panda Sales Partner |
PSP | Process Spawner |
PSP | Premier Solutions Provider |
PSP | Property Sheet Page |
PSP | Photoshop Preferences File |
PSP | Project Scheduler Planning |
PSP | Personal Software Products |
PSP | Private Sector Project (various locations) |
PSP | Preventive Service Planning |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point (bullet) |
PSP | Pastoral Support Plan (school intervention program) |
PSP | Pacific Safety Products (Canada) |
PSP | Profit Sharing Plan |
PSP | Partido Socialista Popular (Cuban Communist Party) |
PSP | Perforated Steel Planking (US DoD) |
PSP | Philips Speech Processing (various locations) |
PSP | Program Segment Prefix |
PSP | Project Selection Process (various organizations) |
PSP | Pressure Sensitive Paint |
PSP | Pathways to Success Program (various organizations) |
PSP | Portuguese Socialist Party (politics) |
PSP | Planning Scheme Policy (Australia) |
PSP | Postsynaptic Potential |
PSP | Pakistan Sarzameen Party (political party; Pakistan) |
PSP | Power Supply Panel (electricity) |
PSP | Partido Sociedad Patriótica (Spanish: Patriotic Society Party, Ecuador) |
PSP | Public Safety Partnership (various locations) |
PSP | Personal Support Program (Australia) |
PSP | Park Slope Parents (Park Slope, NY) |
PSP | Problem-Solving Process |
PSP | Paintball Sports Promotions |
PSP | Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij |
PSP | Print Service Provider |
PSP | Polysaccharide Peptide |
PSP | Prime Sierpinski Project |
PSP | Parenting Skills Program (various locations) |
PSP | Private Satellite Program |
PSP | Programmable Signal Processor |
PSP | Product Stewardship Program (various organizations) |
PSP | Proficiency Sample Program (engineering) |
PSP | Pierced Steel Planking |
PSP | Protein Structure Prediction (protein 3D conformation prediction at rest) |
PSP | Prince Shopping Plaza (Nagano, Japan) |
PSP | Path Selection Plugin (software) |
PSP | Professional/Scholarly Publishing Division (Association of American Publishers) |
PSP | Precision Spectral Pyranometer |
PSP | Public Sector Program (various organizations) |
PSP | Personnel Security Program (US DoD) |
PSP | Professional Services Partner (various companies) |
PSP | Power Steering Pressure (automobiles) |
PSP | Personal Sustainability Project (Wal-Mart) |
PSP | Permanent Sample Plot (forestry) |
PSP | Passenger Screening Program |
PSP | Presidential Scholarship Program (various organizations) |
PSP | Per-Survivor Processing |
PSP | Praja Socialist Party (India) |
PSP | Panitia Standar Profesi (Indonesian: Professional Standards Committee) |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point |
PSP | Peoples Salvation Party (Nigeria) |
PSP | Peace Studies Program (various universities) |
PSP | Potentially Shippable Product (software development) |
PSP | Pseudostatic Spontaneous Potential (energy production) |
PSP | Public, Semi-Public (Zoning class for land use) |
PSP | Proposal Solicitation Package |
PSP | Packet Switching Protocol (computing) |
PSP | Participatory Strategic Planning |
PSP | Plasma Spraying (welding) |
PSP | Page Southerland Page (Texas) |
PSP | Plastic Surgery Products (trade magazine) |
PSP | Python Server Page |
PSP | Power Switch Pack (various companies) |
PSP | Pedestrian Safety Program (Canada) |
PSP | Prague Summer Program (various schools; Prague, Czech Republic) |
PSP | Processor Support Package |
PSP | Project Study Plan |
PSP | Problem Solving Partnership (various locations) |
PSP | Planning & Scheduling Professional |
PSP | Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño (Puerto Rican Socialist Party) |
PSP | Performance Standards Program |
PSP | Partners for Sacred Places |
PSP | Penn State Philips |
PSP | Plasma Separation Process |
PSP | Personal Survival Pack |
PSP | Principal State of Polarization (property of FO cables) |
PSP | Premier Services Program (various organizations) |
PSP | Product Support Provider (US Army) |
PSP | Preliminary Subdivision Plan (city planning) |
PSP | Professional Skills Program |
PSP | Payroll Savings Plan |
PSP | Palm Springs, CA, USA - Palm Springs Municipal (Airport Code) |
PSP | Provide Strategic Planning |
PSP | Politeknik Seberang Perai (Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia) |
PSP | Payload Signal Processor |
PSP | Power Support Platform |
PSP | Pap Smear Provider (Australia) |
PSP | Patrol Seaplane (US Navy) |
PSP | Program Support Plan |
PSP | Power Saving Protocol |
PSP | Primary Sodium Pump |
PSP | Physician Sponsor Plan |
PSP | Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis |
PSP | Psychological Support Program (International Federation of Red Cross) |
PSP | Product Support Program |
PSP | Point Singularity Projector (Andromeda TV series) |
PSP | Production Software Package |
PSP | Production Service Provider |
PSP | Public Service Profile |
PSP | Push Stack Pointer (6502 processor instruction) |
PSP | Partido do Servidor Público (Public Service Party) |
PSP | Phenolsulfanphthalein |
PSP | Peach State Posse (Georgia corvette group) |
PSP | Pneumatic Supply Pressure |
PSP | Performance Surveillance Plan (NASA) |
PSP | Poor Sexual Performance |
PSP | Priced Spare Parts |
PSP | Primary Spare Part |
PSP | Portable Sensor Platform |
PSP | Pump Storage Project |
PSP | Physician Sponsor Program |
PSP | Probability of Successful Penetration |
PSP | Point of Sale Processor |
PSP | Personnel Subsystem Process |
PSP | Program and Support Plan |
PSP | Part Stress Prediction (engineering) |
PSP | Planet Soft Pages |
PSP | Pseudostatic Selfpotential |
PSP | Pretty Small Pen (gaming) |
PSP | Programmable Scanner Position |
PSP | Professional Speaker Program |
PSP | Poll/Select Protocol (Unisys) |
PSP | Park Slope Pediatric (Brooklyn, NY) |