PSPPlayStation Portable (Sony)
PSPPaint Shop Pro (Corel Corp)
PSPPersonal Software Process
PSPPlaystation Plus
PSPPersonality and Social Psychology
PSPPuget Sound Partnership (Olympia, WA)
PSPPennsylvania State Police
PSPPhi Sigma Pi
PSPPhysical Security Professional (American Society for Industrial Security)
PSPPrinceton Series in Physics (Princeton University; Princeton, NJ)
PSPProgressive Supranuclear Palsy
PSPParalytic Shellfish Poisoning
PSPPerformance Service Plan (product service plan offered at Best Buy stores)
PSPPet Supplies Plus (various locations)
PSPPhotostimulable Phosphor (imaging)
PSPPower Steering Pump (automobiles)
PSPProfessional Service Provider
PSPProgress Singapore Party (Singapore)
PSPPolicy Support Programme (Information and Communication Technologies; EU)
PSPPayment Service Provider
PSPProduct Service Plan
PSPPersonnel Support Programs
PSPPublic Service Program (various organizations)
PSPPrivate Sector Participation
PSPPerformance Share Plan
PSPPublic Sphere Project (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
PSPPolícia de Segurança Pública (Portugal)
PSPPre-Employment Screening Program (various organizations)
PSPPrecinct Structure Plan (Australia)
PSPPeople's Socialist Party (various locations)
PSPPL/SQL Server Pages (Oracle)
PSPPatient Safety Practices
PSPPersonal Security Professional
PSPProliant Support Pack
PSPPaint Shop Pro
PSPPit Signal Processing
PSPPlay Station Portable
PSPPhysical Security Professional
PSPPanda Sales Partner
PSPProcess Spawner
PSPPremier Solutions Provider
PSPProperty Sheet Page
PSPPhotoshop Preferences File
PSPProject Scheduler Planning
PSPPersonal Software Products
PSPPrivate Sector Project (various locations)
PSPPreventive Service Planning
PSPPointed Soft Point (bullet)
PSPPastoral Support Plan (school intervention program)
PSPPacific Safety Products (Canada)
PSPProfit Sharing Plan
PSPPartido Socialista Popular (Cuban Communist Party)
PSPPerforated Steel Planking (US DoD)
PSPPhilips Speech Processing (various locations)
PSPProgram Segment Prefix
PSPProject Selection Process (various organizations)
PSPPressure Sensitive Paint
PSPPathways to Success Program (various organizations)
PSPPortuguese Socialist Party (politics)
PSPPlanning Scheme Policy (Australia)
PSPPostsynaptic Potential
PSPPakistan Sarzameen Party (political party; Pakistan)
PSPPower Supply Panel (electricity)
PSPPartido Sociedad Patriótica (Spanish: Patriotic Society Party, Ecuador)
PSPPublic Safety Partnership (various locations)
PSPPersonal Support Program (Australia)
PSPPark Slope Parents (Park Slope, NY)
PSPProblem-Solving Process
PSPPaintball Sports Promotions
PSPPacifistisch Socialistische Partij
PSPPrint Service Provider
PSPPolysaccharide Peptide
PSPPrime Sierpinski Project
PSPParenting Skills Program (various locations)
PSPPrivate Satellite Program
PSPProgrammable Signal Processor
PSPProduct Stewardship Program (various organizations)
PSPProficiency Sample Program (engineering)
PSPPierced Steel Planking
PSPProtein Structure Prediction (protein 3D conformation prediction at rest)
PSPPrince Shopping Plaza (Nagano, Japan)
PSPPath Selection Plugin (software)
PSPProfessional/Scholarly Publishing Division (Association of American Publishers)
PSPPrecision Spectral Pyranometer
PSPPublic Sector Program (various organizations)
PSPPersonnel Security Program (US DoD)
PSPProfessional Services Partner (various companies)
PSPPower Steering Pressure (automobiles)
PSPPersonal Sustainability Project (Wal-Mart)
PSPPermanent Sample Plot (forestry)
PSPPassenger Screening Program
PSPPresidential Scholarship Program (various organizations)
PSPPer-Survivor Processing
PSPPraja Socialist Party (India)
PSPPanitia Standar Profesi (Indonesian: Professional Standards Committee)
PSPPointed Soft Point
PSPPeoples Salvation Party (Nigeria)
PSPPeace Studies Program (various universities)
PSPPotentially Shippable Product (software development)
PSPPseudostatic Spontaneous Potential (energy production)
PSPPublic, Semi-Public (Zoning class for land use)
PSPProposal Solicitation Package
PSPPacket Switching Protocol (computing)
PSPParticipatory Strategic Planning
PSPPlasma Spraying (welding)
PSPPage Southerland Page (Texas)
PSPPlastic Surgery Products (trade magazine)
PSPPython Server Page
PSPPower Switch Pack (various companies)
PSPPedestrian Safety Program (Canada)
PSPPrague Summer Program (various schools; Prague, Czech Republic)
PSPProcessor Support Package
PSPProject Study Plan
PSPProblem Solving Partnership (various locations)
PSPPlanning & Scheduling Professional
PSPPartido Socialista Puertorriqueño (Puerto Rican Socialist Party)
PSPPerformance Standards Program
PSPPartners for Sacred Places
PSPPenn State Philips
PSPPlasma Separation Process
PSPPersonal Survival Pack
PSPPrincipal State of Polarization (property of FO cables)
PSPPremier Services Program (various organizations)
PSPProduct Support Provider (US Army)
PSPPreliminary Subdivision Plan (city planning)
PSPProfessional Skills Program
PSPPayroll Savings Plan
PSPPalm Springs, CA, USA - Palm Springs Municipal (Airport Code)
PSPProvide Strategic Planning
PSPPoliteknik Seberang Perai (Permatang Pauh, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia)
PSPPayload Signal Processor
PSPPower Support Platform
PSPPap Smear Provider (Australia)
PSPPatrol Seaplane (US Navy)
PSPProgram Support Plan
PSPPower Saving Protocol
PSPPrimary Sodium Pump
PSPPhysician Sponsor Plan
PSPPhiladelphia School of Psychoanalysis
PSPPsychological Support Program (International Federation of Red Cross)
PSPProduct Support Program
PSPPoint Singularity Projector (Andromeda TV series)
PSPProduction Software Package
PSPProduction Service Provider
PSPPublic Service Profile
PSPPush Stack Pointer (6502 processor instruction)
PSPPartido do Servidor Público (Public Service Party)
PSPPeach State Posse (Georgia corvette group)
PSPPneumatic Supply Pressure
PSPPerformance Surveillance Plan (NASA)
PSPPoor Sexual Performance
PSPPriced Spare Parts
PSPPrimary Spare Part
PSPPortable Sensor Platform
PSPPump Storage Project
PSPPhysician Sponsor Program
PSPProbability of Successful Penetration
PSPPoint of Sale Processor
PSPPersonnel Subsystem Process
PSPProgram and Support Plan
PSPPart Stress Prediction (engineering)
PSPPlanet Soft Pages
PSPPseudostatic Selfpotential
PSPPretty Small Pen (gaming)
PSPProgrammable Scanner Position
PSPProfessional Speaker Program
PSPPoll/Select Protocol (Unisys)
PSPPark Slope Pediatric (Brooklyn, NY)