ASETAuthor System for Education and Training
ASETAutomated Security Enhancement Tool
ASETAlberta Society of Engineering Technologists (Canada; now Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta)
ASETAnalog Single Event Transient (electronics)
ASETAssociation of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (Edmonton, AB, Canada; formerly Alberty Society of Engineering Technologists)
ASETAustralian Society for Educational Technology
ASETApplication Specific Engine Technology
ASETAmerican Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists, Inc.
ASETAssociation for Sandwich Education and Training (UK)
ASETAircraft Survivability Equipment Trainer
ASETAssociation of Super-Advanced Electronics Technology
ASETAdaptive Sub-Band Excitation Transform (speech coding)
ASETAdvanced Sensor Evaluation & Test
ASETAdministrative Skills Enhancement Training
ASETAuthor System for Education & Training