Acronym | Definition |
ASF | Apache Software Foundation |
ASF | Advanced Streaming Format (Microsoft file extension) |
ASF | Advanced Systems Format (filename extension) |
ASF | Air Safety Foundation |
ASF | Audi Space Frame |
ASF | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialdemokratischer Frauen (German: Association of Social Democratic Women) |
ASF | And So Forth |
ASF | Astrakhan (Russia) |
ASF | Atlantic Salmon Federation |
ASF | Administaff |
ASF | African Swine Fever |
ASF | Astronaut Scholarship Foundation |
ASF | Arizona State Fair |
ASF | Autoroutes du Sud de la France (French: Motorways of the South of France) |
ASF | Alert Standard Format |
ASF | Active Streaming Format |
ASF | Auditoría Superior de la Federación (Spanish: Federal Senior Audit; Mexico) |
ASF | Army Service Forces |
ASF | Avocats Sans Frontières (French) |
ASF | Animal Source Food (nutrition) |
ASF | American Scandinavian Foundation |
ASF | Alaska Satellite Facility (US NASA; University of Alaska Fairbanks) |
ASF | Advanced Streaming Format |
ASF | Aspect Source Flag |
ASF | Attribute Source Flag |
ASF | Application Support Filter |
ASF | Aluminium Space Frame |
ASF | anti Spam Filter |
ASF | Advanced Systems Format |
ASF | Advanced Spamming Format |
ASF | Allocation de Soutien Familial (French: Family Support Allowance) |
ASF | Available Stable Funding (banking; Basel III) |
ASF | Alabama Shakespeare Festival |
ASF | Albert Schweitzer Fellowship (Boston, MA) |
ASF | Academy of South Florida (Microsoft training center) |
ASF | Archdiocese of Santa Fe (New Mexico) |
ASF | Alien Sex Fiend (band) |
ASF | Association Française des Sociétés Financières (French: French Association of Financial Companies) |
ASF | Anterior Spinal Fusion |
ASF | Alternative Splicing Factor |
ASF | Army Special Forces |
ASF | Angelman Syndrome Foundation |
ASF | Acid Survivors Foundation (Dhaka, Bangladesh) |
ASF | Acceleration Studies Foundation |
ASF | Avenged Sevenfold (band) |
ASF | American School Foundation (Mexico City) |
ASF | Austrian Social Forum |
ASF | AIDS Services Foundation (Orange County, California) |
ASF | Alexandria Seaport Foundation (Alexandria, VA) |
ASF | Australian Share Fund |
ASF | Aluminum Space Frame |
ASF | Airport Security Force (Pakistan) |
ASF | American Steel Foundries |
ASF | Australian Science Fiction |
ASF | Aeromedical Staging Facility |
ASF | Aircraft Servicing Flight |
ASF | Agribusiness Support Fund (Pakistan) |
ASF | Adrienne Shelly Foundation (New York, NY) |
ASF | Alert Standard Forum (Distributed Management Task Force) |
ASF | Architectes sans Frontières (French: Architects without Borders) |
ASF | Auxiliary Security Force |
ASF | Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation (Australian leftist political party) |
ASF | Association des Sclérodermiques de France |
ASF | Agronomic Science Foundation |
ASF | Applied Science Fiction Inc. |
ASF | Aviation Support Facility |
ASF | Asian Squash Federation |
ASF | Anencephaly Support Foundation |
ASF | Air Staging Facility |
ASF | Air Superiority Fighter |
ASF | Anti-Shatter Film (blast resistant material) |
ASF | Amps per Square Foot (current flow in anodizing and metal plating processes) |
ASF | Ansaldo Segnalamento Ferroviario (Finmeccanica company, Italy) |
ASF | Additional Secondary Factor (LORAN-C) |
ASF | Auxiliary Service Facility |
ASF | Amenities and Services Fee (various schools; Australia) |
ASF | Analytical Solutions Forum |
ASF | Abdominal Subcutaneous Fat |
ASF | Army Stock Fund |
ASF | American Share Foundation |
ASF | Arcane Spell Failure (gaming) |
ASF | Africa Standby Force |
ASF | Statgraphics Data File (file extension) |
ASF | Adelanto Sobre Facturación (Spanish: Advance on Billing) |
ASF | Aeromedical Staging Flight |
ASF | Above Subfloor (construction) |
ASF | Anti-silencing Factor (genetics) |
ASF | Astounding Science Fiction magazine (later became Analog) |
ASF | Application Support Facility |
ASF | Adaptive Services Framework |
ASF | Adaptive Sensor Fusion |
ASF | Alaskan SAR Facility |
ASF | Aviations Sans Frontières |
ASF | Association des Scootéristes de France (French: Scooterists Association of France) |
ASF | Anomalous Scattering Factor |
ASF | Average Stream Flow (water) |
ASF | Administrative Support Facility (USPS) |
ASF | Advanced Software Framework |
ASF | Auxiliary Sorting Facility (US Post Office) |
ASF | AME Software Framework |
ASF | Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste eV (Germany) |
ASF | Agent Security Facility |
ASF | Additional Selection Factor |
ASF | Activation Support Facility |
ASF | Allied Strike Force |
ASF | Auxiliary Support Feature |
ASF | Avions Sans Frontières |
ASF | Attock Sahara Foundation (Pakistan) |
ASF | American Schizophrenia Foundation |
ASF | Accurate & Stable Frequency |
ASF | All Symbol Filter |
ASF | Ammonia Scrubber Feed |
ASF | Applicant Supply File System |
ASF | Agrément de Savoir Faire (French: Approval of Expertise) |
ASF | Active Ship File |
ASF | Automatic Stripping Factor |
ASF | Assembly Support Framework |
ASF | Association Francophone en Systèmes (French) |
ASF | Archive Storage Facility |
ASF | Available Square Foot/Feet |
ASF | Army Support Facility |
ASF | Agent's Support File |
ASF | Assignable Square Foot/Feet |
ASF | Alpine and Sports Climbing Federation of Yugoslavia |
ASF | Application Services Function |
ASF | All Sports Forums |